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Nuclear Engineering

Our Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering (Honours) program was designed to meet a worldwide need for graduates in the field of nuclear engineering. Although the program's primary focus is nuclear power plant engineering, the curriculum is sufficiently broad-based, so you will be well qualified for careers in many applications of nuclear technology and energy-related fields. 

During your first two years, you will gain a solid foundation in the fundamentals of mathematics and sciences, with years three and four concentrating on engineering sciences and specific nuclear engineering courses.

Electives may be taken from other programs in the engineering and science faculties, health physics and radiation science, and liberal arts, with complementary studies in collaborative leadership, economics, ethics and law, and strategic management. You will develop management, interpersonal, problem-solving, and holistic thinking skills while gaining a comprehensive knowledge of nuclear engineering science and design, as well as the latest developments in this field.


You will learn in a variety of settings, including:

  • Field visits
  • Laboratories
  • Lectures
  • The most extensive computer simulation of nuclear power of any engineering program in Canada
  • Tutorials



The only accredited program of its kind in Canada


Rated third in North America for Nuclear Engineering graduates at the Bachelor's level


State-of-the-art facilities, including the most extensive computer simulation of nuclear power of any engineering program in Canada

After graduating you can...

  • Be a Control and Instrumentation Engineer
  • Be an Energy Engineer
  • Go into Fuel Design and manufacturing
  • Work on International Nuclear and energy technology management
  • Nuclear Commissioning, Regulation, and Standards Specialist
  • Work at a Nuclear Energy Plant being a Design and Operation Consultant
  • Go into Project or waste management
  • Be a nuclear Engineer or Scientist
  • Work on Nuclear Policy, Advocacy, or Influencer

...and many more!

Sample Courses:

  • Environmental Effects of Radiation
    Topics include: natural and artificial environmental radiation; units and measurements; biological effects of radiation; maximum permissible public dose, magnitude and frequency; release of radioisotopes to the environment; dispersion in the atmosphere; dispersion in aquatic environment; food chain; calculation of total dose consequence; site demographic, meteorological, geologic, hydrologic and seismic characteristics; derived emission limits; radiation dose due to the nuclear fuel cycle; As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle; emergency preparedness; on-site and off-site emergency procedures.
  • Nuclear Fuel Cycles
    Students study the production of fissile and fertile nuclear fuel; isotope separation; enrichment of uranium; characteristics of fuel-element materials; metal and ceramic uranium fuel; design and fabrication of fuel elements; fuelling strategies; fuel failure mechanisms and detection of failed fuel; properties of irradiated fuel; the role of plutonium; principles of spent fuel reprocessing; dissolution of spent fuel from nuclear reactors; plutonium separation; meeting safe-guards requirements; natural versus slightly enriched fuel cycles; recycling of PWR fuel in CANDU; use of plutonium from the weapons program; thermal breeders; fast breeders.
  • Nuclear Plant Operation
    A combination of lectures and self-paced interactive CD-ROM study will introduce students to the principles of energy conversion, to the operating features of the main nuclear reactor types, the use of pressure vessels and pressure tubes, natural versus enriched fuel, moderators, reactor coolant systems, steam turbines and associated water systems, generators, transformers, electrical output and plant electrical systems, grid frequency and voltage control, reactor following-turbine and turbine-following- reactor unit control systems, turbine generator governing, power maneuvering capability, trips, steam dumping to the condenser, normal and abnormal operating events.
  • Nuclear Reactor Design
    An introduction to thermal and fast reactors and reactor cooling systems. Topics include: natural and enriched fuels; pressure vessels and pressure tubes; reactor structures; moderator materials and systems; reactor coolant materials and systems; shutdown and safety systems, heat generation and removal in the fuel; modes of heat transfer from fuel to coolant; boiling heat transfer; cooling by natural circulation; measurement of thermal-hydraulic parameters; momentum, mass and energy transfer processes; requirements for main heat transport, shutdown cooling and emergency core cooling systems. Nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of reactor design.
  • Nuclear Reactor Kinetics
    An introduction to the basic principles of nuclear reactor kinetics and nuclear reactor control. Topics include: neutron cycle; reactor period; prompt and delayed neutrons; source neutron effects; sub-critical, critical and supercritical reactor; point reactor model; thermal power and neutron power; fission product poisoning; Xenon override capability; fresh and equilibrium fuel characteristics; reactivity effects of temperature changes and coolant voiding; reactivity control; approach to critical; reactor stability; spatial flux and power distribution. Reactor simulators will be used to illustrate the key principles being taught.
  • Radiation Protection
    Defines and introduces basic concepts in radiation safety; dose limits and risk; protection from external radiation: time, decay and distance, shielding, access control; external radiation hazards; radiation surveys; internal radiation hazards; behaviour of internal sources, annual limit on intake, derived air concentration for tritium, radioiodines, particulates; bioassay; contamination control; basic principles of radiation dosimetry; calculation of internal and external body radiation exposures; regulations concerning radioactive materials; safe working with radiation.
  • Radioactive Waste and Management Design
    Students will study: nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management. Two field trips will be arranged.
  • Risk Analysis Methods
    Students will apply probability theory to discrete and continuous events. Topics include: random variables; decision theory, including Bayes’ Theorem, the likelihood principle, prior posterior and predictive distributions and survival models. Students will also study chemical, physical, biological hazards; recognition, evaluation, prevention and control of hazards; industrial hygiene and occupational health; analysis, assessment, characterization and communication of risks.

Undergraduate Labs

Explore some of our Undergraduate Teaching Labs
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