Igor Pioro
PhD, Doctor of Technical Sciences, P.Eng., Fellow of ASME, CAE, CSME and EIC; Foreign Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Founding Editor (2014) and Editor-in-Chief (2014-2024) of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Science
Department of Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Contact information
Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre (ERC)
- Room 4083
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.8668 ext. 5528
- Doctor of Technical Sciences Institute of Engineering Thermal Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine 1992
- PhD Institute of Engineering Thermal Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine 1983
- Master of Applied Science in Thermal Physics (Diploma of Honour) Kiev Polytechnic Institute (nowadays, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"), Kyiv, Ukraine 1979
Courses taught
- Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) (UNENE 0504)
- Special Topics. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) (NUCL 5000G)
- Heat Transfer in Nuclear Reactor Applications (NUCL 5240G)
- Power Plant Thermodynamics (NUCL 5250G)
- Thermalhydraulic Concepts for Engineers and Scientists (NUCL 5065G)
- Nuclear Power Systems (NUCL 4460U)
- Heat Transfer (NUCL 3930U)
- Thermodynamic Cycles (NUCL 2010U)
- Fluid Mechanics (NUCL 2860U)
Research and expertise
- Nuclear engineering (thermalhydraulics of nuclear reactors and Generation IV nuclear-reactor concepts)
- Thermal Sciences (boiling, forced convection including supercritical pressures, etc.)
- Heat Engineering (heat exchangers, two-phase thermosyphons, heat-recovery systems, etc.)
- Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) since 2023
- Foreign Fellow of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) since 2021
- Lifetime member of American Nuclear Society (ANS) since 2021
- Fellow of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) since 2015
- Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) since 2013
- Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 2012
- Member of Executive Committee of ASME Nuclear Engineering Division 2006‑2013
- Member of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) since 2012
- Member of Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) since 2010
- Member of Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce 2008‑2012
- Professional Engineer (Ontario, Canada) since 2008
- Member of American Nuclear Society (ANS) since 2004
- Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 1996
- 2024 Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Outstanding and Distinguished Service to your Colleagues in the ASME as Editor-in-Chief Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 2014-2024.
- 2024 Certificate of Appreciation from the 2024 International Conference on Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle and Comprehensive Energy Systems (Sep. 20‑23, 2024; Shanghai, China) for presenting the Plenary Lecture “Current Status and Future Trends of World Nuclear Power with Supercritical Fluid Concept Reactors”.
- 2024 Certificate of Appreciation from the Nuclear Engineering Division of the ASME in testimony of the high regard of your associates and the deep appreciation of the Society for your contribution in advancing the engineering profession as a Plenary Speaker at the 31st International Conference On Nuclear Engineering ICONE31, Prague, Czech Republic, August 4‑8, 2024.
- 2024 Certificate of Appreciation from the Nuclear Engineering Division of the ASME in testimony of the high regard of your associates and the deep appreciation of the Society for your contribution in advancing the engineering profession as a Panel Speaker at the 31st International Conference On Nuclear Engineering ICONE31, Prague, Czech Republic, August 4‑8, 2024.
- 2022 Certificate from the PBNC2022 and Chinese NS to I. Pioro for his valuable contributions to the success of the conference as a Chair of the Technical Session (The 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Beijing & Chengdu, China, Nov. 1‑4, 2022).
- 2020 Certificate of Appreciation from the ASME for establishing the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science (J. NERS) 2014 – 2015 and in recognition of outstanding and distinguished service to your colleagues in the Society as an Editor of the Journal 2014 – 2020.
- 2017 Harold A. Smith Outstanding Contribution Award from CNS (Canadian Nuclear Society)
- 2016 Medal 60-th Anniversary of NED (Nuclear Engineering Division of ASME).
- 2016 Certificate of Appreciation from the IAEA in recognition of Dr. Pioro outstanding support and contributions for the 4th Course on Science and Technology of Supercritical Water Cooled Reactors (July 4 8) Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada)
- 2015 Fellow of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME)
- 2014 Service Recognition Award from the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) in testimony of the high regard of your associates and the deep appreciation of the Society for Dr. Pioro valued services in launching the Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
- 2013 Honorary Doctor’s Degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
- 2013 Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)
- 2012 Certificate by the Board of Governors of ASME to I. Pioro in testimony of the high regard of your co-workers and the deep appreciation of the Society for your valued services in advancing the engineering profession as Chair Nuclear Engineering Division 2011 – 2012
- 2012 Certificate of Appreciation from the ICONE20-POWER2012 Steering Committee for valuable contributions to the 20thInternational Conference On Nuclear Engineering – POWER2012 Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, July 30 – August 3, as General Conference Chair, Opening Ceremony Speaker, Steering Committee Member and Track 18 Co-Organizer
- 2012 Akiyama Medal (Award by Japan SME) to Gupta, S., McGillivray, D., Surendran, P., Trevani, L. and Pioro, I. for the best paper in student track “Developing Heat-Transfer Correlations for Supercritical CO2 Flowing in Vertical Bare Tubes” (20thInternational Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-20) – ASME 2012 POWER Conference, July 30‑August 3, Anaheim, California, USA, Paper #54626)
- 2012 Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- 2011 The Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) Education and Communication Award
- 2011 The Ontario Tech University Research Excellence Award - Senior Research Category
- 2010 Certificate of Appreciation of outstanding contribution to the success of the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14) as a Moderator of a panel “Supercritical Heat Transfer”
- 2009 ICONE Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) for many years of dedicated service and outstanding performance to ICONE. The International Conferences On Nuclear Engineering
- 2009 Akiyama Medal (Award by Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) to Mokry, S., Gospodinov, Ye., Pioro, I. and Kirillov, P.L. for the best paper in student track. Supercritical Water Heat-Transfer Correlation for Vertical Bare Tubes. (17th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17), July 12-16, Brussels, Belgium, Paper #76010)
- 2008 The book by Bezrodny, M.K., Pioro, I.L. and Kostyuk, T.O. Transfer Processes in Two-Phase Thermosyphon Systems. Theory and Practice., 2005, 2nd ed., Augmented and Revised, Fact Publ. House, Kiev, Ukraine, 704 pages (in Russian) was awarded with the First Prize from the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” as the best technical book of 2007 published by “KPI” professors
- 2008 Certificate of Appreciation from the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division for valued services as Chair of Steering Committee, Technical Program Chair and Keynote Speaker for ICONE-16
- 2007 Certificate of Appreciation from the Organizers of ICONE-15 for valuable contributions in organizing the technical program and contributing to the success of the conference as a Track Leader
- 2006 Certificate of Appreciation from the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division for valuable contributions in organizing the technical program and contributing to the success of the ICONE-14 as a Track Leader “Next Generation Systems”
- 2005 Certificate of Appreciation from the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division for valued services in advancing the engineering profession as Chair Next Generation Systems Technical Committee for ICONE-13
- 1990 Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the best scientific work of a young scientist
- 1990 Badge Inventor of the USSR for implementation of inventions into industry
- 3 Ph.D., 19 M.A.Sc. and 4 M.Eng. students with projects have completed their studies successfully
- Ph.D. student, A. Farah, received 2018 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award
- 2016 Ph.D. student, A. Farah, was awarded with the CNS R.E. Jervis Award
- 2015 Ph.D. student, Eu. Saltanov, was awarded with the CNS R.E. Jervis Award
- 2014 Ph.D. students, M. Miletic (Czech Republic), W. Peiman, A. Farah, J. Samuel, and M.A.Sc. student, A. Dragunov, were awarded with the Akiyama Medal for the best student paper at ICONE-22 (International Conference On Nuclear Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic), they were the third winners of this award from North America
- 2013 M.A.Sc. student, S. Gupta, was awarded with the CNS R.E. Jervis Award
- 2013 design-project student (4th year), Sh. Draper, received the 2012‑2013 Roy G. Post Foundation Scholarship (USA) (she is just the second Canadian student ever to receive this award)
- 2012 Ph.D. student, S. Mokry, was awarded with the CNS R.E. Jervis Award
- 2012 M.A.Sc. student, S. Gupta and undergraduate student, P. Surendran, were awarded with the Akiyama Medal for the best student paper at the ICONE-20 (Anaheim, CA, USA), they were the second winners of this award from North America
- 2012 M.A.Sc. student, A. Abdalla, became the first winner of the J.S. Boyce Award (Ontario Tech University ) (2012)
- 2009 M.A.Sc. students, S. Mokry and Ye. Gospodinov, were awarded with the Akiyama Medal for the best student paper at the ICONE-17 (Brussels, Belgium), they were the first winners of this award at ICONEs
Professor Igor Pioro from the ENE FEAS has supervised two capstone groups of students (3 + 5 students in total) last educational year. During their studies students have expressed interest to participate in the 43rd Annual CNS Conference and the 48th Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference (Saskatoon, SK, Canada, June 16-19, 2024) with papers in the student track. Therefore, Professor Pioro has proposed 9 topics for future papers and students have prepared 9 papers [1-9] (paper [9] was prepared by an MASc student and 3 capstone students), which were submitted to the student track. After addressing reviewers' comments the final papers were accepted and presented at the CNS conference. This Fall all these students' papers were published in the conference proceedings. Moreover, updated paper [10] on heat transfer to supercritical water was prepared by one capstone group of 3 students and presented by an MASc student M. Kavalci at the 31st International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-31), August 4–8, Prague, Czech Republic. The poster of this paper was awarded with the Certificate as the Best Poster North-America Award.
Other activities
- Member of Scientific Committee of the 11th International Symposium on SCWRs (Pisa, Italy) (Feb. 3‑5, 2024)
- Advisory Board Member and Plenary-Session Chair of the 2024 Int. Conf. on Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle and Comprehensive Energy Systems (Shanghai, China) (Sep. 20‑23, 2024)
- Chief Scientific Investigator for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Research Agreement #26789 “Technologies Enhancing the Competitiveness and Early Development of SMRs” (2024‑2027)
- Chief Scientific Investigator for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Research Agreement #28874 (2022‑2026)
- Member of Organizing Committee ICGWC 2022
- Member of Program Committee NENE conference 2022
- IAEA Consultant 2022
- Member of Scientific Committee 10th International Symposium on SCWRs (ISSCWR-10), Prague, Czech Republic, March 15‑19, 2021
- Chair of Organizing Committee: 25th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-25) 2016‑2017
- Director and Organizer of the Ontario-Tech-IAEA Course on Science and Technology of Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (SCWRs), Oshawa, ON Canada (July 4-8, 2016)
- Steering Committee Member: 24th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) 2015 2016
- Founding Editor: ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science (from 2014)
- Associate Editor: ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines & Power (from 2009-2014)
- Member of International Editorial Board of Journal of Energy Technologies and Resource Saving (Ukraine) (from 2013)
- Member of International Advisory Board: Journal of Technological Systems (Ukraine) (from 2011)
- Chief Scientific Investigator for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Research Agreement #18417 and #18895 (2014-2017)
- Chairperson of Steering Committee of 21st International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) 2012‑2013
- Member of Technical Program Committee for 15th International Topical Meeting on NUclear REactor THermalhydraulics (NURETH-15) (Pisa, Italy, May 2013)
- Chair of the Executive Committee of the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division (2011‑2012)
- Chair of 20th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering – POWER2012 (ICONE20-POWER2012) (2011‑2012)
- Chief Scientific Investigator for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Research Agreement #16294 (2010‑2012)
- Technical Program Chair and Chair of Steering Committee at ICONE-16 (2007-2008)
- Member of Executive Committee of the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division (2006-2013)
Lectures & Seminars in other universities/companies/organizations
Invited lectures and seminars on the following topics: Current Status of Electricity Generation in the World (Lecture 1); Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Generation in the World (L2); Generation III, III+ and IV Reactors (L3); Specifics of Thermophysical Properties and Heat Transfer at Supercritical Pressures (L4); SuperCritical Water-cooled nuclear Reactors (SCWRs) (L5); SMRs (L6); and Proper Technical Writing (L7); at various universities, institutes, organizations, etc.: L6 - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Jan.11, 2024); L6 - Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Apr. 28, 2023); L1 - 3rd Int. Congress of Environment (ICE 2023) (Sapporo, Japan) (Jan. 9-11, 2023); L5 - Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Dec. 9, 2022); L3, L6, L7 – IAEA Regional Workshop, GCNEP, India (2022, November); L6, L3, L6 – UOIT‑IAEA workshop on Hydrogen Co-Generation (UOIT, Canada) (2022, November); L6 – Westinghouse USA (2022, October); L1; L6 ‑ Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) (2022 October); L1 & L2 ‑ National Research Nuclear University МЕРhI (6th Int. Summer School on Eng. Computing in Nuclear Technology (ECINT-2021)), Moscow, Russia (2020, June); L1‑L3 – University of Pisa, Webinar (2021, May); L1 & L2 ‑ National Research Nuclear University МЕРhI (5th International Summer School on Engineering Computing in Nuclear Technology (ECINT-2020)), Moscow, Russia (2020, June); L1 – Moscow State University (2019, June); L1 ‑ National Research Nuclear University МЕРhI, Obninsk, Russia (2019, June); L1; L2; L3; – Institute of Engineering Thermophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (2019, May); L1 ‑ University of Cambridge, UK (2018, July); L2 – Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2017, July); L1‑L5 – Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) (Chengdu, China) (2017, March); L1&2 – World Nuclear University (UK) (Ottawa, ON, Canada) (2016, July); L2, L3 & L4 – Ontario-Tech‑IAEA Course on SCWRs (Ontario Tech) (2016, July); L2 – Westinghouse Headquarters (USA) (2015, March); L2 ‑ Institute of Nuclear Techniques (NTI), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) (Hungary) (2014, November); L2 – J. Stefan Institute (Slovenia) (October, 2014); L3 – University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) (October, 2014); L2 and L5 – Lehrstuhl für Nukleartechnik, Technische Universität München (Germany) (2014, July); L2 and L4 ‑ Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme (IKE), Universität Stuttgart (Germany) (2014, July); L4 ‑ Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) (2013, November); L2 ‑ Chalk River Laboratories CNS Chapter (2013, November); L2 & L4 ‑ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Western Ontario (2013, November); L2 & L4 – Department of Physics & Engineering Physics University of Saskatchewan (2013, October); L2 – Centre for Nuclear Engineering Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (London, UK) (2013, September); L2 ‑ National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (Kiev, Ukraine) (2013, June); L1 ‑ Institute of Gas National Academy of Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine) (2013, June); L1 & L4 ‑ McMaster University (Hamilton, ON Canada) (July 2012); L1 ‑ Technical University of Dresden (Dresden, Germany) (March, 2012); L3 ‑ Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) (Munich, Germany) (March 2012); L3 ‑ Technical University of Vienna (AtomInstitut) (Vienna, Austria) (March, 2012); L1 ‑ Fukui University of Technology (Japan) (October, 2011); L4 ‑ The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (Trieste, Italy) – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, Austria) (2011, June‑July); L1 ‑ Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) (2011, July); L3 ‑ San Piero a Grado Nuclear Research Group (GRNSPG) (Pisa, Italy) (2011, July); L3 ‑ Nuclear Research Centre Rez (Rez, Czech Republic) (2011, February); L3 ‑ Czech Technical University in Prague (Prague, Czech Republic) (2011, February); National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (Kiev, Ukraine) (2011, January); Institute of Engineering Thermal Physics National Academy of Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine) (2011, January); Institute of Gas National Academy of Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine) (2011, January); China Nuclear Power Institute (Chengdu, China) (2010, October); University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Oshawa, ON Canada) (2006‑2011); for local section of IEEE (Oshawa, ON Canada) (2009); CNS (Deep River Branch, ON Canada), Moscow Power Institute (Moscow, Russia), Bauman Technical University (Moscow, Russia), Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (Obninsk, Russia), Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer National Academy of Sciences (Minsk, Belarus’), Institute of Engineering Thermal Physics National Academy of Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine), Kiev Polytechnic Institute (Kiev, Ukraine), All-Union Research-Design Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (Khar’kov, Ukraine).
Invited key-note lectures, presentations, etc.
Keynote presentations” “Concise Overview of Advanced Thermal Power Plants and Nuclear-Power Reactors / Plants Including SMRs” (Department of Nuclear Eng. and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) (Oct. 2024); “Current Status of SMRs Development and Deployment“ at Int. Conf. on SMRs & Their Applications, IAEA (Vienna, Austria) (Oct. 21 24); “Overview of Electricity Generation in the World” (via Zoom, Kiev, Ukraine) (Oct. 10, 2024); “Overview of Electricity Generation in the World” (via Zoom, Kiev, Ukraine) (Oct. 2024); “Specifics of SMRs Development & Deployment” at 5th Generation IV and Small Reactors (G4SR-5) Conference (Ottawa, ON, Canada), (Oct. 2024); Opening plenary presentation “Current Status and Future Trends of World Nuclear Power with Supercritical Fluid Concept Reactors” at 2024 Int. Conf. on Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle and Comprehensive Energy Systems (Shanghai, China) (Sep. 2024); ”New Experimental Data on SCW-cooled Vertical Short Bare Tubes and 1- (Annular Channel) and 3-Rod Bundles with Helical Ribs” at IAEA CRP I3034 “Advancing Thermal-Hydraulic Models and Predictive Tools for Design of SCWR Prototypes” (IAEA, Vienna, Austria) (Sep. 2024); “Design, Technology and Safety Fundamentals of the Generation IV nuclear-reactor concepts & Current Status of Gen-IV activities in selected countries” and “Alternative Power Cycles for Selected Generation IV Reactors” at IAEA EVT2301235: Interregional Workshop on Advances in SMR and Microreactor Designs (SNERDI, Shanghai, China) (Sep. 2024); Plenary presentation “Current Status of Nuclear-Power Industry of the World and SMRs Development and Deployment” and Panel presentation “Special Considerations on SMRs Development and Implementation” at ICONE-31 (Prague, Czech Rep.) (Aug. 2024); “Current Status of Nuclear Power of the World including SMRs” for Kinectrics Inc. (Toronto, ON, Canada), (July 2024); “Current Status of Nuclear Power of the World including SMRs” at 43rd Annual CNS Conference and the 48th Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference (Saskatoon, SK, Canada), (June, 2024); “Current Status of Nuclear Power of the World including SMRs” at II International Scientific-Applied Conference “Digital Technologies in Power Industry” (Kyiv, Ukraine) (June 2024); “Current Status of Nuclear Power of the World and SMRs Development” at IAEA INPRO School (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) (June 2024); “Current Status of Energy-Conversion Technologies of the World” (2nd Int. Conference on Sustainable Energy Development, Beijing, China) (Dec. 2023); “Current Status of Nuclear-Power Industry of the World and SMRs Deployment” (CARD conference, Charlotte, NC, USA) (March 2024); “Current Status of Nuclear Power of the World” (Vth Int. Conf. “Perspectives of Implementing Innovations into Nuclear Power Industry”, Kyiv, Ukraine) (Sep. 2023); “Nuclear Fission Power: Global Perspectives” (CAE Conference, Victoria, BC) (June 2023); “Sources for Electricity Generation in the World, Their Comparison and Impact on Environment” (NUB, Kyiv, Ukraine) (June 2023); Presentation “Research on Specifics of Thermophysical Properties and Thermal-Hydraulics Relevant for SCWRs” at the Virtual Kick-off Meeting to Launch New CRPI31034 on Advancing Thermal-Hydraulic Models and Predictive Tools for Design of SCWR Prototypes (Vienna, Austria) (Sept. 1‑2, 2022); Key-note presentation “World Power Industry and Climate Change“ at the Int. Conf. on Global Warming and Climate Change (ICGWC 2022) (Paris, France) (Aug. 11, 2022); Plenary presentation “Current Status of Nuclear-Power Industry of the World: Operating NPP Issues and Challenges” at the ICONE-29 (Shenzhen, China), (Aug. 9, 2022); Panel presentation “Current Status of SMRs Development” at the ICONE-29 (Shenzhen, China), (Aug. 10, 2022); “Current Status of Electricity Generation in the World and Future Trends” at International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Dubai, UAE) (March 21‑25, 2022); “Recommendations on Proper Technical Writing” University of Pisa (Jan., 2022); “Current Status of Nuclear-Power Industry of the World” Presentation at the Round-Table) (Kyiv, Ukraine) (Dec. 11, 2021); International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) (Virtual Conference, Online) (Nov. 3, 2021); Key-note (on-line) at the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (TUBA WCEST-2021) (Aug. 8-12, 2021); Plenary presentation at the Int. Conf. On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-28), Virtual Conference (Aug. 4‑6, 2021); Key-note at the 9th Global Conf. on Global Warming (GCGW-2021), Virtual conference, (Aug. 1‑4, 2021, Croatia); International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC2020) in Sydney, Australia, March 8‑13, 2020; Scientific Conference “The 65-Years First in the World NPP in Obninsk” (Obninsk, Russia, June 27, 2019); 1st Int. Conf. on Generation-IV Small Reactors (G4SR-1) (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 7, 2018); 1st Int. Conf. on Supercritical CO2 Power Systems (Beijing, China, June 30, 2018); 12th Int. Symp. on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF-2018) (Antibes, France, April 23, 2018); Symp. on Plasma and Nuclear Systems (SPANS-2017), Ontario Tech (Oshawa, ON, August 18, 2017); HEFAT conference (Portoroz, Slovenia, July 17, 2017); HEFAT conference (Portoroz, Slovenia, July 17, 2017); plenary presentation at ICONE-25 (Shanghai, China,) (July 5, 2017); plenary presentation at ISSCWR-8 (Chengdu, China) (March 2017); 24th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (Charlotte, NC, USA) (June 2016); 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel (Tel Aviv, Israel) (April 2016); at ICONE-23 (Japan) (May 2015); at International Symposium on SCWRs (ISSCWR-7) (Helsinki, Finland) (March 2015) and at ICONE-22 (Prague, Czech Republic) (July 2014); plenary lecture at the Supercritical Fluids and Energy Workshop (Campinas, Brazil) (December, 2013); presentation at the BIT’s 3rd Energy Forum (Xi’an, China) (September, 2013); key-note lecture at the Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) conference (Bled, Slovenia) (September, 2013); key-note lecture at the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14) (Washington, D.C., USA) (August, 2010); plenary lecture at ICONE-16 (Orlando, Florida, USA) (May, 2008).
Mass Media Interviews
Energetika.NET (http://www.energetika.net/novice/clanki/dr-igor-pioro-jedrska-energija-osnova-za-proizvodnjo-elektri) (Ljubljana, Slovenia) (October, 2014); Chinese TV Station (Xi’an, China) (September, 2013); Xi’an TV Station (Xi’an, China) (September, 2013); Magazine of the Slovene Electricity Sector NAŠ STIK (www.nas-stik.si) (Bled, Slovenia) (September, 2013); Rogers TV (http://www.rogerstv.com/page.aspx?gid=99625&lid=237&rid=2) (2012); Atominfo (http://www.atominfo.ru/news/air6664.htm) (Podol’sk, Russia) (May, 2009); Atominfo (http://www.atominfo.ru/news/air5244.htm), (Moscow, Russia) (October, 2008).
Publications summary
555+ publications, including:
- 14 technical books
- 53 chapters in encyclopedias, handbooks and books
- 102 papers in refereed journals
- 314 papers in refereed proceedings of international and national conferences and symposiums
- 26 patents and inventions, and
- 50 major technical reports
Technical state-of-the-art books
- Advances in Boiling and Condensation, 2024. Editor: I. Pioro, IntechOpen Ltd., London, UK, 162 pages: https://www.intechopen.com/books/12032
- Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, 2023. 2nd edition, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier – Woodhead Publishing (WP), Kidlington, UK, 1079 pages: https://www.elsevier.com/books/handbook-of-generation-iv-nuclear-reactors/9780128205884; https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128205884/handbook-of-generation-iv-nuclear-reactors#book-info; Also, see: https://www.gen-4.org/gif/jcms/c_208948/see-link-for-further-information
- Advanced Supercritical Fluids Technologies, 2020. Editor: I.L. Pioro, IntechOpen Ltd., London, UK, 209 pages. Free download from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/advanced-supercritical-fluids-technologies.
- Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, 2016. Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, 938 pages. Free download of content: https://www.gen-4.org/gif/jcms/c_9373/publications.
Pis'mennyi, E.N., Polupan, G., Carvajal-Mariscal, I., Sanchez-Silva, F., and Pioro, I., 2016. Handbook for Transversely Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers Design, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, 188 pages. - Kirillov, P.L., Zhukov, A.V., Loginov, N.I., Makhin, V.M., Pioro, I.L. and Yur’ev, Yu.S., 2013. Handbook on Thermalhydraulics Calculations in Nuclear Engineering: Vol. 2, Nuclear Reactors, Heat Exchangers, Steam Generators, (In Russian), Editor: P.L. Kirillov, IzdAt Publishing House, Moscow, Russia, 688 pages
- Pioro, L.S., Pioro, I.L., Soroka, B.S. and Kostyuk, T.O. 2010. Advanced Melting Technologies with Submerged Combustion, RoseDog Publ. Co., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 420 pages
- Pioro, I.L. and Duffey, R.B., Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance at Supercritical Pressures in Power Engineering Applications, ASME Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007, 328 pages
- Pioro, L.S., Pioro, I.L., Kostyuk, T.O. and Soroka, B.S., Industrial Application of Submerged Combustion Melters, Fact Publication House, Kiev, Ukraine, 2006, 240 pages
- Bezrodny, M.K., Pioro, I.L. and Kostyuk,T.O., Transfer Processes in Two-Phase Thermosyphon Systems. Theory and Practice, 2005, 2nd ed., Augmented and Revised, Fact Publication House, Kiev, Ukraine, 704 pages (in Russian)
- Bezrodny, M.K., Pioro, I.L. and Kostyuk, T.O., Transfer Processes in Two-Phase Thermosyphon Systems, 2003, Fact Publication House, Kiev, Ukraine, 480 pages (in Russian)
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro, I.L., Industrial Two-Phase Thermosyphons, 1997, Begell House, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 288 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Antonenko, V.A. and Pioro, L.S., Efficient Heat Exchangers with Two-Phase Thermosyphons, 1991, Naukova Dumka Publication House, Kiev, Ukraine, 247 pages (in Russian)
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro, I.L., Two-Phase Thermosyphons and Their Application in Industry, 1988, Naukova Dumka Publication House, Kiev, Ukraine, 136 pages (in Russian)
Selected chapters in encyclopedias, handbooks and books
- Pioro, I., Makarem, M.A., and Zvorykin, C.O., 2024. Wind-Energy Utilization and Sustainability, Chapter in Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Vol. 1, Elsevier, London, UK, pp. 211‑222.
- Pioro, I. and Makarem, M.A., 2024. Geographical Distribution of Renewable Energies Sources for Electricity Generation, Chapter in Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Vol. 1, Elsevier, London, UK, pp. 179‑193.
- Pioro, I., Kravets, P.I., Fialko, N.M., and Kavalci, M., 2024. Nuclear Power and Technologies: Renewable or Not? Chapter in Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Vol. 1. Elsevier, London, UK, pp. 237‑276.
- Pioro, I., 2024. Advances and Challenges of Boiling Heat Transfer, In book: Advances in Boiling and Condensation, Editor: I. Pioro, IntechOpen Ltd., London, UK, pp. 1‑41. Free download from: http://mts.intechcom/articles/show/title/advances-and-challenges-of-boiling-heat-transfer
Chapters in Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, 2023. 2nd edition, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier – Woodhead Publishing (WP), Kidlington, UK, 1079 pages:
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., et al., 2023. Introduction: A Survey of the Status of Electricity Generation in the World, Chapter 1.1, pp. 1‑84.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., et al., 2023. Introduction: Current Status and Future Trends in the World Nuclear-Power Industry, Chapter 1.2, pp. 85‑108.
- Pioro, I. and Rodriguez, G.H., 2023. Part One: Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts: Generation IV International Forum, Chapter 2, pp. 111‑132.
- Peiman, W., Pioro, I., Gabriel, K., and Hosseiny, M., 2023. Part One: Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts: Thermal Aspects of Conventional and Alternative Fuels, Chapter 18.2, pp. 613‑663.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., and Dort-Goltz, N., 2023. Part One: Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts: Current Status of SMRs and S&MRs Development in the World, Chapter 20.2, pp. 713‑757.
- Pioro, I., Mahdi, M., and Popov, R., 2023. Part One: Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts: Alternative Power Cycles for Selected Generation-IV Reactors, Chapter 21.1, pp. 759‑775.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., et al., 2023. Additional Materials (Schematics, Layouts, T-s Diagrams, Basic Parameters, and Photos) on Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants, Appendix A1, pp. 929‑1050.
- Pioro, I., Dragunov, A., Saltanov, Eu., and Ikeda, B., 2022. Comparison of Thermophysical Properties of Reactor Coolants, Appendix A2, pp. 1051‑1072.
- Pioro, I., Mokry, S., Dort-Goltz, N., and McKellar, J., 2023. Thermophysical Properties of Fluids at Subcritical and Critical/Supercritical Conditions, Appendix A3, 60 pages.
- Pioro, I., Kirillov, P.L., Razumovskiy, V., and Pis’mennyy, Eu., 2023. Current Status of Research on Thermalhydraulics in Forced Convection of Fluids at Supercritical Pressures in Bare Tubes, Annular- and Bundle-Flow Geometries, Appendix A4, 15 pages.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, L., and Pioro, R., 2021. Pros and Cons of Commercial Reactor Designs, Section 2: Chapter. Part 1. Current Status of Electricity Generation in the World and Selected Countries, pp. 263-287, in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, 1st edition, Editor-in-Chief: E. Greenspan, Elsevier, UK, 3656 pages.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, L., and Pioro, R., 2021. Pros and Cons of Commercial Reactor Designs, Section 2: Chapter. Part 2. Current Status and Future Trends in the World Nuclear-Power Industry and Technical Considerations of Nuclear-Power Reactors, pp. 288-303, in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, 1st edition, Editor-in-Chief: E. Greenspan, Elsevier, UK, 3656 pages.
- Duffey, R.B., Pioro, I., and Pioro, R., 2021. World Energy Production and the Contribution of PHWRs, Chapter 1. Introduction, in the book: Vol. 7. Pressurized Heavy-Water-cooled Reactors, 1st edition, Editor J. Riznic, Elsevier, UK, 400 pages.
- Pioro, I., 2021. Application of Supercritical Fluids in Thermal- and Nuclear-Power Engineering, (pp. 601‑658), Chapter 17 in book: Handbook of Research on Advancements in Supercritical Fluids Applications for Sustainable Energy Systems, Editor: L. Chen, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 821 pages. https://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-advancements-supercritical-fluids/253256.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., and Pioro, R.B., 2020. Overview of Current Status of Nuclear-Power Industry of The World, Chapter in book: Fundamental Issues Critical to the Success of Nuclear Projects, Editors: J. Devgun and J. Boucau, Elsevier, UK, 63 pages.
- Pioro, I.L., 2020. Supercritical-Fluids Thermophysical properties and Heat Transfer in Power-Engineering Applications, Chapter 1 in book “Advanced Supercritical Fluids Technologies”, Editor: I. Pioro, IntechOpen Ltd., London, UK, pp. 1‑42. Free download from: http://mts.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/supercritical-fluids-thermophysical-properties-and-heat-transfer-in-power-engineering-applications.
- Pioro, I. and Duffey, R., 2018. Current Status of Electricity Generation in the World and Future of Nuclear-Power Industry, (pp. 67‑114), Chapter 3 in book: Managing Global Warming, an Interface of Technology and Human Issues, Editor: T. Letcher, Elsevier – Academic Press, London, UK, 822 pages.
- Pioro, I. and Duffey, R., 2018. Current and Future Nuclear-Power Reactors and Plants, (pp. 117‑197), Chapter 4 in book: Managing Global Warming, an Interface of Technology and Human Issues, Editor: T. Letcher, Elsevier – Academic Press, London, UK, 119 pages.
- Pioro, I., Mahdi, M., and Popov, R., 2018. Heat Transfer Media and Their Properties, Chapter 33 in: Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering, Editor-in-Chief: A. Kulacki, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1353‑1446.
- Pioro, I., Mahdi, M., and Popov, R., 2017. Application of Supercritical Fluids in Power Engineering, (pp. 404‑457), Chapter 13 in book: Advanced Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Energy Systems, Editors: L. Chen and Iwamoto, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 626 pages.
- Pioro, I.L, Duffey, R., Kirillov, P.L. and Panchal, R., 2016. Chapter 1. Introduction: A Survey of the Status of Electricity Generation in the World, 34 pages; Chapter in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Pioro, I., 2016. Part I: Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts. Chapter 2. Introduction: Generation IV International Forum, 18 pages; Chapter in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Peiman, W., Pioro, I., Gabriel, K., and Hosseiny, M., 2016. Part III: Related Topics to Generation IV Nuclear-Reactor Concepts. Chapter 18. Thermal Aspects of Conventional and Alternative Fuels, 53 pages; Chapter in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Pioro, I.L. and Kirillov, P.L., 2016. Appendix A1. Additional Materials (Schematics, Layouts, T-s Diagrams and Basic Parameters) on Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants, 40 pages; Appendix in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Pioro, I.L., Dragunov, A., Saltanov, Eu., and Ikeda, B., 2016. Appendix A2. Comparison of Thermophysical Properties of Reactor Coolants, 27 pages; Appendix in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Pioro, I.L., 2016. Appendix A3. Thermophysical Properties of Fluids at Subcritical and Critical / Supercritical Conditions, 24 pages; Appendix in book: Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Editor: I.L. Pioro, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA.
- Pioro I., 2014. Application of Supercritical Pressures in Power Engineering: Specifics of Thermophysical Properties and Forced-Convective Heat Transfer, Chapter in the book: Supercritical Fluid Technology for Energy and Environmental Applications, Editors: V. Anikeev and M. Fan, Elsevier, pp. 201 233.
- Pioro, I. and Kirillov, P., 2013. Current Status of Electricity Generation in the World, Chapter in the book: Materials and Processes for Energy: Communicating Current Research and Technological Developments, Energy Book Series #1, Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas, Publisher: Formatex Research Center, Spain, pp. 783-795. Free download from: http://www.formatex.info/energymaterialsbook/book/783-795.pdf .
- Pioro, I. and Kirillov, P., 2013. Current Status of Electricity Generation at Thermal Power Plants, Chapter in the book: Materials and Processes for Energy: Communicating Current Research and Technological Developments, Energy Book Series #1, Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas, Publisher: Formatex Research Center, Spain, pp. 796-805. Free download from: http://www.formatex.info/energymaterialsbook/book/796-805.pdf.
- Pioro, I. and Kirillov, P., 2013. Current Status of Electricity Generation at Nuclear Power Plants, Chapter in the book: Materials and Processes for Energy: Communicating Current Research and Technological Developments, Energy Book Series #1, Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas, Publisher: Formatex Research Center, Spain, pp. 806-817. Free download from: http://www.formatex.info/energymaterialsbook/book/806-817.pdf.
- Pioro, I. and Kirillov, P., 2013. Generation IV Nuclear Reactors as a Basis for Future Electricity Production in the World, Chapter in the book: Materials and Processes for Energy: Communicating Current Research and Technological Developments, Energy Book Series #1, Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas, Publisher: Formatex Research Center, Spain, pp. 818-830. Free download from: http://www.formatex.info/energymaterialsbook/book/818-830.pdf.
- Pioro, I., 2012. Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Production in the World, Chapter #10 in the book: Current Research in Nuclear Reactor Technology in Brazil and Worldwide, Editors: A.Z. Mesquita and H.C. Rezende, INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 211‑250
- Peiman, W., Pioro, I. and Gabriel, K., 2012. Thermal Aspects of Conventional and Alternative Fuels in SuperCritical Water-Cooled Reactor (SCWR) Applications, Chapter in book “Nuclear Reactors”, Editor A.Z. Mesquita, INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 123‑156
- Saltanov, Eu. and Pioro, I., 2011. World Experience in Nuclear Steam Reheat, Chapter in book .Nuclear Power: Operation, Safety and Environment., Editor: P.V. Tsvetkov, INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 3-28
- Pioro, I., 2011. The Potential Use of Supercritical Water-Cooling in Nuclear Reactors. Chapter in the Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology, and Applications: S. Krivit (Editor), J.H. Lehr (Series Editor), J. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 624 pages
- Pioro, I. and Mokry, S., 2011. Thermophysical Properties at Critical and Supercritical Conditions, Chapter in book Heat Transfer. Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Investigations and Industrial Systems, Editor: A. Belmiloudi, INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 573-592
- Pioro, I. and Mokry, S., 2011. Heat Transfer to Fluids at Supercritical Pressures, Chapter in book Heat Transfer. Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Investigations and Industrial Systems, Editor: A. Belmiloudi, INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 481-504
- Pioro, I.L., 2008. Thermophysical Properties at Critical and Supercritical Pressures, Section 5.5.16 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages
- Pioro, I.L., 2008. Heat Transfer to Supercritical Fluids, Section 2.2.10 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NY, USA, 19 pages
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro, I.L., 2008. Submerged Combustion, Section 2.10.4 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NY, USA, 30 pages
- Duffey, R.B. and Pioro, I.L., 2005. Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactors: Review and Status, In Nuclear Materials and Reactors from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, http://www.eolss.net, August 9
Selected papers in refereed journals
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., and Dort-Goltz, N., 2020. Current Status of Reactors Deployment and Small Modular Reactors Development in the World, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 6, No. 4, 24 pages. Free download from: https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/nuclearengineering/article/6/4/044001/1085654/Current-Status-of-Reactors-Deployment-and-Small. (The most read paper in J. NERS in 2020).
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., Pioro, R., Zvorykin, A., and Machrafi, R., 2019. Current Status and Future Developments in Nuclear-Power Industry of the World, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, 27 pages. Free download from: https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/nuclearengineering/article/doi/10.1115/1.4042194/725884/Current-Status-and-Future-Developments-in-Nuclear. (The most read paper in J. NERS in 2020).
- Pioro, I. and Duffey, R., 2015. Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Generation, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 19 pages. Free download from: http://nuclearengineering.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleID=2085849. (The most cited paper in J. NERS)
- Duffey, R. and Pioro, I., 2019. Ensuring the Future of Nuclear Power, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, ASME, Vol. 141, No. 11, November, pp. 30‑35.
- Pioro, I.L., 2019. Current Status of Research on Heat Transfer in Forced Convection of Fluids at Supercritical Pressures, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 354, 14 pages.
- Pioro, I., Duffey, R.B., Kirillov, P.L., Pioro, R., Zvorykin, A., and Machrafi, R., 2019. Current Status and Future Developments in Nuclear-Power Industry of the World, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, 27 pages. Free download from: http://nuclearengineering.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleID=2718229.
- Naterer, G.F., Suppiah, S., Rosen, M.A., ... Pioro, I., et al., 2017. Advances in Unit Operations and Materials for the Cu‑Cl Cycle of Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 42, pp. 15708‑15723.
- Farah, A., Harvel, G., and Pioro, I., 2016. Analysis of CFD Code FLUENT Capabilities for Supercritical Water Heat Transfer Applications in Vertical Bare Tubes, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, 10 pages.
- Razumovskiy, V.G., Pis’mennyi, Eu.N., Sidawi, K., Pioro, I.L., and Koloskov, A.Eu., 2016. Experimental Heat Transfer in an Annular Channel and 3-Rod Bundle Cooled With Upward Flow of Supercritical Water, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, 8 pages.
- Dragunov, A., Saltanov, Eu., Pioro, I., Kirillov, P., and Duffey, R., 2015. Power Cycles of Generation III and III+ Nuclear Power Plants, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 10 pages.
- Peiman, W., Pioro, I., and Gabriel, K., 2015. Thermal-hydraulic and Neutronic Analysis of a Re-Entrant Fuel Channel Design for Pressure-Channel Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 10 pages.
- Pioro, I. and Duffey, R., 2015. Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Generation, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 19 pages. Free download from: http://nuclearengineering.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleID=2085849.
- Miletic, M., Peiman, W., Farah, F., Samuel, J., Dragunov, A. and Pioro, I., 2015. Study on Neutronics and Thermalhydraulics Characteristics of 1200-MWel Pressure-Channel SuperCritical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR), ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 10 pages.
- Saltanov, Eu., Pioro, I., Mann, D., Gupta, S., Mokry, S., and Harvel, G., 2015. Study on Specifics of Forced-Convective Heat Transfer in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 8 pages.
- Miletić, M., Fukač, R., Pioro, I., and Dragunov, A., 2014. Development of Gas Cooled Reactors and Experimental Setup of High Temperature Helium Loop for In-Pile Operation, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 276, pp. 87-97
- Peiman, W., Pioro, I. and Gabriel, K., 2013. Thermal Design Aspects of High-Efficiency Channel for SuperCritical Water-cooled Reactors (SCWRs), Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 264, pp. 238‑245
- Gupta, S., Saltanov, Eu., Mokry, S.J., Pioro, I., Trevani, L. and McGillivray, D., 2013. Developing Empirical Heat-Transfer Correlations for Supercritical CO2 Flowing in Vertical Bare Tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 261, pp. 116‑131
- Miletić, M., Růžičková, M., Fukač, R., Pioro, I. and Peiman, W., 2013. Supercritical-Water Experimental Setup for In-Pile Operation, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 259, pp. 166‑171
- Richards, G., Harvel, G.D., Pioro, I.L., Shelegov, A.S. and Kirillov, P.L., 2013. Heat Transfer Profiles of a Vertical, Bare, 7-Element Bundle Cooled with Supercritical Freon R-12, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 259, pp. ‑.
- Richards, G., Pioro, I., Harvel, G., Shelegov, A. and Kirillov, P., 2013. Temperature Profiles of a Vertical, 7-Element Bundle Cooled with Supercritical Freon-12, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 207-218
- Naterer, G.F., Suppiah, S., Stolberg, L.,….Pioro, I.,..., 2013. Progress of International Hydrogen Production Network for the Thermochemical Cu‑Cl Cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 740‑759
- Pioro, I. and Zvorykina, A., 2012. Some Important Aspects for Experimental Papers: Part 2. Uncertainty Analysis, Journal of Technological Systems (Ukraine), Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 5‑20
- Pioro, I. and Zvorykina, A., 2012. Some Important Aspects for Experimental Papers: Part 1. Typical Heat-Transfer / Thermalhydraulics Test Facility and Practical Recommendations for Performing Experiments, Journal of Technological Systems (Ukraine), Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 17‑28
- Mokry, S., Lukomski, A., Pioro, I., Gabriel, K. and Naterer, G., 2012. Thermalhydraulic Analysis and Heat Transfer Correlation for an Intermediate Heat Exchanger Linking a Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor and a Copper-Chlorine Cycle for Hydrogen Co-Generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 37, Issue 21, November, pp. 16542‑16556
- Lizon-A-Lugrin, L., Teyssedou, A. and Pioro, I., 2012. Appropriate Thermodynamic Cycles to Be Used in Future Pressure-Channel Supercritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 246, pp. 2‑11
- Pioro, I., Mokry, S. and Draper, Sh., 2011. Specifics of Thermophysical Properties and Forced-Convective Heat Transfer at Critical and Supercritical Pressures, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, Volume 27, Issue 3-4, pp. 191–214
- Mokry, S., Pioro, I.L., Farah, A., King, K., Gupta, S., Peiman, W. and Kirillov, P., 2011. Development of Supercritical Water Heat-Transfer Correlation for Vertical Bare Tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 241, pp. 1126 1136
- Grande, L., Villamere, B, Allison, L., Mikhael, S., Rodriguez-Prado, A., and Pioro, I., 2011. Thermal Aspects of Uranium Carbide and Uranium Dicarbide Fuels in Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactors, J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 133, Issue 2, February, 7 pages
- Naterer, G.F., Suppiah, S., Stolberg, L., Pioro, I.,2011. Clean Hydrogen Production with the Cu-Cl Cycle – Progress of International Consortium, I: Experimental Unit Operations, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- Naterer, G.F., Suppiah, S., Stolberg, L., Pioro, I., 2011. Clean Hydrogen Production with the Cu-Cl Cycle – Progress of International Consortium, II: Simulations, Thermochemical Data and Materials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- Pioro, I., 2011. Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Production in the World: Part 1. Generation III and IV Reactors, Technological Systems (Ukraine), Volume 3 (56), pp. 20-37
- Mokry, S., Pioro, I.L., Farah, A., King, K., Gupta, S., Peiman, W. and Kirillov, P., 2011. Development of Supercritical Water Heat-Transfer Correlation for Vertical Bare Tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 241, pp. 1126-1136
- Grande, L., Villamere, B, Allison, L., Mikhael, S., Rodriguez-Prado, A., and Pioro, I., 2011. Thermal Aspects of Uranium Carbide and Uranium Dicarbide Fuels in Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactors, J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 133, Issue 2, February, 7 pages
- Mokry, S., Pioro, I., Kirillov, P. and Gospodinov, Ye., 2010. Supercritical-water Heat Transfer in a Vertical Bare Tube, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 240, Number 3, pp. 568 to 576
- Pioro, I., 2009. Generation IV Nuclear Reactors: Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor Concept, Technological Systems (Ukraine), Volume 5 (49)
- Naterer, G., Suppiah, S., Lewis, M., ..., Pioro, I. et al., 2009. Recent Canadian Advances in Nuclear-Based Hydrogen Production and the Thermochemical Cu-Cl Cycle, International J. of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE), Volume 34, pp. 2901-2917
- Naidin, M., Mokry, S., Baig, F., Gospodinov, Ye., Zirn, U., Pioro, I. and Naterer, G., 2009. Thermal-Design Options for Pressure-Channel SCWRs with Co-Generation of Hydrogen, J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 131, January, 8 pages
- Granovskii, M., Dincer, I., Rosen, M., and Pioro, I., 2008. Thermodynamic Analysis of the Use a Chemical Heat Pump to Link a Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactor and a Thermochemical Water-Splitting Cycle for Hydrogen Production, JSME J. of Power and Energy Systems, Volume 2,Number 2, pp. 756-767
- Pioro, I.L., Khan, Hopps, V., M., Jacobs, Ch., Patkunam, R., Gopaul, S., and Bakan, K., 2008. SCW Pressure Channel Nuclear Reactor. Some Design Features, JSME J. of Power and Energy Systems, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 874-888
- Pioro, I.L., 2008. Thermophysical Properties at Critical and Supercritical Pressures, Section 5.5.16 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages
- Pioro, I.L., 2008. Heat Transfer to Supercritical Fluids, Section 2.2.10 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NY, USA, 19 pages
- Pioro,L.S. and Pioro, I.L., 2008. Submerged Combustion, Section 2.10.4 in Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, New York, NU, USA, 30 pages
- Granovskii, M., Dincer, I., Rosen, M.A., and Pioro, I., 2008. Performance Assessment of a Combined System to Link a Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactor and a Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycle for Hydrogen Production, Energy Conversion & Management, 9 pages
- Duffey, R.B., Pioro, I.L. and Kuran, S., Advanced Concepts for Pressure-channel Reactors: Modularity, Performance and Safety, J.of Power and Energy Systems, 2008, Volume 2, Number 1, JSME Journal Special Issue onICONE-15, Japan, 10 pages
- Pioro, I. and Duffey, R., Experimental Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water Flowing Inside Channels (Survey), Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2005, Volume 235, Number 22, pp. 2407-2430
- Duffey, R.B. and Pioro, I.L., Supercritical Water-cooled Nuclear Reactors: Review and Status, In Nuclear Materials and Reactors from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, http://www.eolss.net, August 9, 2005;
- Duffey, R.B. and Pioro, I.L., Experimental Heat Transfer of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Flowing Inside Channels (Survey), Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2005, Volume 235, Number 8, pp. 913-924
- Pioro, I.L., Rohsenow, W. and Doerffer, S., Nucleate Pool-Boiling Heat Transfer-I. Review of Parametric Effects of Boiling Surface, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 2004, Volume 47, Number 23, pp. 5033-5044
- Pioro, I.L., Rohsenow, W. and Doerffer, S., Nucleate Pool-Boiling Heat Transfer-II. Assessment of Prediction Methods, International J. Heat& Mass Transfer, 2004, Volume 47, Number 23, pp. 5045-5057
- Pioro, I.,Duffey, R. and Dumouchel, T., Hydraulic Resistance of Fluids Flowing in Channels at Supercritical Pressures (Survey), Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2004, Volume 231, Number 2, pp. 187-197
- Pioro, I.L., Khartabil, H.F. and Duffey, R.B., Heat Transfer to Supercritical Fluids Flowing in Channels - Empirical Correlations(Survey), Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2004, Volume 230, Number 1-3, pp. 69-91
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro, I.L., Reprocessing of Metallurgical Slag into Materials for the Building Industry, International J. of Waste Management, 2004, Volume 24
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro, I.L., Production of Expanded-Clay Aggregate for Lightweight Concrete from Non-Self bloating Clays, International J. Cement & Concrete Composites, 2004, Volume 26, Number 6, pp. 639-643
- Pioro, L.S., Osnach, A.M. and Pioro, I.L., Production of Molten Defluorinated Phosphates in a Submerged Combustion Melter, J. of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2003, Volume 42, pp.6697-6704
- Pioro, L.S. and Pioro I.L., Wasteless Combined Aggregate - Coal-Fired Steam-Generator/Melting-Converter, International J. of Waste Management, 2003, Volume 23, Number 4, pp. 333-337
- Pioro, I.L., Groeneveld, D.C., Leung, L.K.H. et al., Comparison of CHF Measurements in Horizontal and Vertical Tubes Cooled withR-134a, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 2002, Volume 45, Number 22, pp. 4435-4450
- Pioro, I.L., Groeneveld, D.C., Doerffer, S.S. et al.,Effects of Flow Obstacles on the Critical Heat Flux in a Vertical Tube Cooled with Upward Flow of R-134a, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 2002, Volume 45,Number 22, pp. 4417-4433
- Pioro, I.L., Groeneveld, D., Cheng, S.C. et al., Comparison of CHF Measurements in R-134a Cooled Tubes and the Water CHF Look-up Table, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 2001, Volume 44, Number 1, pp. 73-88
- Pioro, L.S., Sadovskiy, B.F. and Pioro, I.L., Research and Development of High Efficiency One-Stage Melting Converter-Bunker Method for Solidification of Radioactive Wastes into Glass, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2001, Volume 205, Number 1-2, pp. 133-144
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Felisari, R., Some Problems for Bundle CHF Prediction Based on CHF Measurements in Simple Flow Geometries, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2000, Volume 201, Nos. 2-3, pp.189-207
- Cheng, S.C., Pioro, I.L., Doerffer, S. et al., Critical Heat Flux for R-134a Flow Boiling in Vertical Tubes, invited paper for the review series Trends in Heat, Mass & Momentum Transfer, Research Trends, India, 2000, Volume 6, pp. 89-110
- Pioro I.L., Experimental Evaluation of Constants for the Rohsenow Pool Boiling Correlation, International J. of Heat & Mass Transfer,1999, Volume 42, pp. 2003-2013
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Salah, I., Experimental Evaluation of the Limiting Critical Quality Values in Circular and Non-Circular Geometries, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1999, Volume 190, pp.317-339
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Groeneveld, D.C. et al., Experimental Study of the Effect of Non-Circular Flow Geometry on the Critical Heat Flux, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1999, Volume 187, pp. 339-362
- Pioro, I.L. and Cheng, S.C., Effect of Non-Circular Cross Section Geometry and Shape on Critical Heat Flux, International J. Heat and Technology, 1997, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 77-87
- Kichigin, A.M. and Pioro, I.L., Major Approaches to Solving the Boiling Crisis Problem under Free Flow Conditions (a Review), Heat Transfer Research, 1995, Volume 26, Numbers 1 and 2, pp. 82-90
- Chernyak, V.P., Pioro, I.L. et al.,Thermosyphon Heat Exchangers for Heat Utilization from Rock Dirt, Ugol' Ukrainy (Coal of Ukraine),1994, Number 1, pp. 20-22 (in Russian)
- Usenko, V.I., Pioro, I.L. and Korol', E.P., Non-frosting Modular Air-Stove Heat Exchangers, Ugol' Ukrainy (Coal of Ukraine),1993, Number 6, pp. 31-33 (in Russian)
- Gorislavets, S.P., Il'enko, B.K., Levchenko, V.P., Mayorov, V.I. and Pioro, I.L., Mobile Small Plant for Processing Gas Condensate in Engine Fuel, Gazovaya Promyshlennost' (J. of Gas Industry), 1992, Number 7, pp. 21-23 (in Russian)
- Kichigin, A.M. and Pioro, I.L., Analysis of Methods for Detecting Dryout and Burnout Fluxes, Heat Transfer Research, 1992, Volume 24, Number 7, pp. 957-964
- Pioro, I.L., Maximum Heat-transferring Capacity of Two-Phase Thermosiphons with Separate Vapor and Condensate Streams, Heat Transfer Research, 1992, Volume 24, Number 4, pp. 535-542
- Tikhonovskiy, S.A. and Pioro, I.L., Maximum Heat Flux to Antifreeze Boiling in a Two-Phase Thermosiphon, Heat Transfer Research,1992, Volume 24, Number 3, pp. 390-397
- Kichigin, A.M. and Pioro, I.L., About Crisis Mechanism of Heat Transfer under Boiling in Conditions of Free Liquid Motion,Promyshlennaya Teploteknika, 1991, Volume 13, Number 3, pp. 19-33 (in Russian)
- Korol', E.P., Usenko, V.I., Pioro, I.L., and Namakshtanskaya, M.V., Thermosyphon Waste-Heat Units for Mine Air Heating, Transactions of the Scientific-Research Institute of Mining Mechanics, Issue 1,Part 2, Donetsk, Ukraine, 1991, pp. 203-214 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Kriveshko, A.A., Treputnev,V.V. et al., Development and Testing of Airheater with Two-Phase Thermosyphons for Heating System, Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1990, Number 7, pp. 37-39 (in Russian)
- Dolinsky, A.A., Pioro, I.L. and Tikhonovsky, S.A., Generalization of Experimental Data of Ultimate Heat Transfer in Two-Phase Thermosyphons at Boiling of Antifreezes, Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika, 1990, Volume 12, Number 6, pp. 9-16 (in Russian)
- Dolinsky, A.A., Pioro, I.L. and Tikhonovsky, S.A., Critical Heat Fluxes in Boiling of Mixtures and Solutions, Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika, 1989, Volume 11, Number 6, pp. 18-23 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Applications of Heat Exchangers with Two-Phase Thermosyphons, Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1989, Number 7, pp. 45-48 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Modular Thermosiphon Waste Heat Boiler, Applied Thermal Sciences, 1989, Volume 2, Number 2, p. 118
- Pioro, I.L., A Heater with a Thermosiphon Fuel Evaporator, Applied Thermal Sciences, 1989, Volume 2, Number 2, p. 117
- Pioro, I.L. and Kalashnikov, A. Yu., Maximum Heat Transfer in Two-phase Thermosyphons with External Down-Flow Channel, Applied Thermal Sciences, 1988, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 62-67
- Pioro, I.L. and Vorontsova, M.V., Calculation of the Limiting Heat Flux for a Liquid Boiling in a Two-phase Thermal Syphon, J. of Engineering-Physics, 1987, Volume 53, Number 3, pp. 1003-1008
- Pioro, L.S., Kalashnikov, A.Yu. and Pioro, I.L., Application of Two-phase Thermosyphons in Industry, Promyshlennaya Energetika,1987, Number 6, pp. 16-20 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Influence of the Inclination Angle of a Two-phase Thermosyphon on the Limiting Heat Flux, Heat Transfer-Soviet Research, 1986, Volume 18, Number 2, pp. 35-38
- Pioro, I.L., Correlation of Experimental Data on the Maximum Heat and Mass Transfer in Two-phase Thermosyphons, Heat Transfer-Soviet Research, 1985, Volume 17, Number 5, pp. 75-83
- Pioro, I.L., Gomzhina, L.D. and Kalashnikov, A.Yu., Some Problems of Designing Modular Thermosyphon Waste-heat Boilers,Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1985, Number 9, pp. 35-38 (in Russian)
- Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M., Pioro, I.L. et al., Utilization of Heat from the Effluent Gas of Glass-Melting Furnaces, Glass and Ceramics, 1984, Volume 41, Number 4, pp. 166-169
- Tolubinsky,V.I. and Pioro, I.L., Experimental Determination of Limiting Heat Fluxes of Closed Two-phase Thermosyphons, Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika, 1983, Volume 5, Number 2, pp. 3-7 (in Russian)
- Tolubinsky, V.I. and Pioro, I.L., Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Two-phase Thermosyphons, Chemical Technology, 1983, Number 5, pp. 38-39 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Investigation of Closed Two-phase Thermosyphons Used for Cooling of Melting Converters, Applied Problems of Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics, Naukova Dumka, Publ. House, Kiev,1982, pp. 76-79 (in Russian)
- Pioro, I.L., Maximum Heat Transfer Capability of Two-phase Thermosyphons, Heat Transfer-Soviet Research, 1983,Volume 15, Number 1, pp. 24-31
- Pioro, I.L., New Type of Waste Heat Boiler, Glass and Ceramics, 1981, Volume 38, Number 11, pp. 560-562
Patents and inventions
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Schtults, P. et al., Thermosyphon's Heat Exchanger, Patent of Russian Federation #2047077,27.10.1995, Bul. #30
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Schtults, P. et al., Thermosyphon's Heat Exchanger, Patent of Ukraine #3301 from 27.12.1994,Bul. #6-1
- Pioro, I.L., Karimov, M.M., Usenko, V.I. et al., Mode of Supply Fuel in Hypersonic Engine, USSR Invention #1817892, 1993
- Pioro, I.L., Karimov, A.Kh., Karimov, M.M. et al., Aircraft's Cooling System, USSR Invention#1812744, 1991
- Pioro, I.L., Usenko, V.I., Myalkovskiy V.I. et al., Airheater, USSR Invention #1806323, 30.03.1993, Bul. #12
- Pioro, I.L., Karimov, A.Kh., Karimov, M.M. et al., Mode and Aircraft Cooling System, USSR Invention #1734317, 1992
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Usenko, V.I. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #1728618, 1991 (patent of Ukraine #752,1993)
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Usenko, V.I. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, Patent of Ukraine #752, 1993
- Chernyak, V.P., Pioro, I.L., Malashenko, E.N. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #1719865, 1992
- Pioro, I.L. and Zhitar', I.N., Heat Exchanger, USSR Invention #1679165, 23.09.1991, Bul. #35
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Usenko, V.I., et al., Vapor Boiler, USSR Invention #1673782, 30.08.1991, Bul. #32
- Pioro, L.S., Kalashnikov, A.Yu., Pioro, I.L. and Mukhoid, A.Ya., Heat Transfer Device, USSR Invention #1657926, 23.06.1991, Bul.#23
- Treputnev, V.V., Pioro, I.L., Kriveshko,A.A. et al., Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger, USSR Invention #1629730, 23.02.1991,Bul. #7
- Goryslavets, S.P., Il'enko, B.K., Seriy, V.T., Pioro, I.L. et al., Heat Exchanger, USSR Invention #1617298, 30.12.1990, Bul. #48
- Pioro, I.L., Ponomarenko, I.I., Bondarenko, V.N. et al., Shaft for Shafting Machines, USSR Invention #1593970, 23.09.1990, Bul.#35
- Pioro, I.L., Karimov, A.Kh., Karimov, M.M. et al., Aircraft, USSR Invention, 1990
- Pioro, L.S., Kalashnikov, A.Yu. and Pioro, I.L., Evaporative Burner, USSR Invention #1464011,03.07.1989, Bul. #9
- Pioro, L.S., Kalashnikov, A.Yu., Pioro, I.L. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #1456742, 07.02.1989, Bul. #5
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S. and Kalashnikov, A.Yu., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #1334035, 30.08.1987, Bul. #32
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Goykhman, O.L.et al., Evaporator of Liquefied Gases, USSR Invention #1322756, 08.03.1987
- Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M., Kalashnikov, A.Yu. and Pioro, I.L., Evaporative Burner, USSR Invention #1147891,30.03.1985, Bul. #12
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M. and Morev, V.M., Evaporative Burner, USSR Invention #1070379,30.01.1984, Bul. #4
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #1052829, 07.11.1983, Bul. #41
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M. and Logvinenko, Yu.A., Thermosyphon, USSR Invention #1038791, 30.08.1983, Bul. #32
- Pioro, I.L., Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M. et al., Thermosyphon, USSR Invention #956951, 07.09.1982, Bul. #33
- Pioro, I.L. , Pioro, L.S., Olabin, V.M. et al., Heat Transmitting Device, USSR Invention #848955, 23.07.1981, Bul. #27.
Selected major open technical reports
- Ambrosini, W., Amin, M.M.., Anderson, M., Bodkha, K., Borgohain, A., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Churkin, A., Feuerstein, F., Gupta., S., He., S., Jana, S.S., Jevremovich, T., Kiss, A., Koeckert, L., Kuzmichev, A., Leung, L., Liu, X., Lv, L., Pilkhwal, D.S., Pioro, I., Razumovskiy, V., Saenz, B., Sharma, M., Vaida, A.M., Vijaya, P.K., Xiong, J., Yamada, K., and Zang., J., 2020. Understanding and Prediction of Thermohydraulic Phenomena Relevant to Supercritical Water Cooled Reactors (SCWRs), Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project, IAEA TECDOC Series, IAEA-TECDOC-1900, Vienna, Austria, 544 pages. Free download from: https://www.iaea.org/publications/13636/understanding-and-prediction-of-thermohydraulic-phenomena-relevant-to-supercritical-water-cooled-reactors-scwrs.
- Aksan, N., Ambrosini, W., Ammirabile, L., Anderson, M., Bae, Y.Y., Chen, Y., Churkin, A., Haenninen, M.J., Jackson, J.D., Kirillov, P.L., Leung, L., Novog, D., Pioro, I., Razumovskiy, V., Vijayan, P., Xiaojing, L., Yamada, K., 2014. Heat Transfer Behaviour and Thermohydraulics Code Testing for Supercritical Water Cooled Reactors (SCWRs), IAEA TECDOC Series, IAEA-TECDOC-1746, September, Vienna, Austria, 496 pages. Free download from: http://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/10731/Heat-Transfer-Behaviour-and-Thermohydraulics-Code-Testing-for-Supercritical-Water-Cooled-Reactors-SCWRs.
- Saltanov, Eu., Pioro, I., Gupta, S., Jouvin, J.C., Abdullah, R., and Sidawi, Kh., 2014. Specifics of Forced-Convective Heat Transfer to Supercritical CO2 Flowing Upward in Vertical Bare Tubes, Technical Report for Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis (ACFDA) Inc., under NSERC ENGAGE Grant, November, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, 143 pages.
- Saltanov, Eu., Dragunov, A., Pioro, I. and Lang, P., 2013. Cermet Fuels, Technical Report for FEDDEV Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative “UNITHERM Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology Evaluation Project”, Ver. 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, March April, 20 pages.
- Saltanov, Eu., Dragunov, A., Pioro, I. and Lang, P., 2013. Cermet Fuels, Technical Report for FEDDEV Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative “UNITHERM Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology Evaluation Project”, Ver. 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, March‑April, 20 pages
- Saltanov, Eu., Pioro, I. and Lang, P., 2012. Russian Designs of Small Modular Reactors, Technical Report for FEDDEV Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative “UNITHERM Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology Evaluation Project”, Ver. 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, July‑August, 43 pages
- Samuel, J., Peiman,W., Harvel, G. and Pioro, I., 2012. Alternative Fuel-Channel Design for SCWR, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled “Alternative Fuel-Channel Design for SCWR” with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, February, 112 pages
- Peiman, W., Richards, G., Samuel, J., Grande, L., Harvel, G. and Pioro, I., 2010. Key Thermalhydraulic and Material Parameters for Fuel-channel Design, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled Alternative Fuel-channel Design for SCWR with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, December, 42 pages
- Farah, A., Kinakin M., Adenariwo, A., Harvel, G. and Pioro, I., 2010. Analysis of FLUENT and PHOENICS CFD Codes in Modeling Heat Transfer in Supercritical Water, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled Alternative Fuel-channel Design for SCWR with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, September, 69 pages
- Pioro, I., Mokry, S., Farah, A., King, K., Peiman, W., Richards, G., and Harvel, G., 2010. Heat Transfer to Fluids at Supercritical Pressures, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled Alternative Fuel-channel Design for SCWR with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, November, 41 pages
- Pioro, I., Mokry, S., Peiman, W., Richards, G., Draper Sh., Joel, J. and Harvel, G., 2010. Thermophysical Properties at Critical and Supercritical Conditions, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled Alternative Fuel-channel Design for SCWR with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, November, 21 pages
- Pioro, I., Saltanov, Eu., Naidin, M., King, K., Farah, A., Peiman, W., Mokry, S., Grande, L., Thind, H., Samuel, J. and Harvel, G., 2010. Steam-reheat Option in SCWRs and Experimental BWRs, Report for NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program (NNAPJ) entitled Alternative Fuel-Channel Design for SCWR with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Version 1, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada, March, 128 pages
- Pioro, I.L. and Duffey, R.B., Literature Survey of the Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance of Water, Carbon Dioxide, Helium and Other Fluids at Supercritical and Near-critical Pressures, ReportAECL-12137/FFC-FCT-409, Chalk River Laboratories, AECL, April 2003, ISSN0067-0367, 182 pages
- Groeneveld, D.C., Pioro, I., Guo, Y. et al., A Study of the Effect of Flow Obstacles on the Critical Heat Flux, Report AECL-12104/FFC-FCT-333, Chalk River Laboratories, AECL, September 2001, 37 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C. and Antoshko, Yu. V., Comparison of CHF Measurements in Horizontal and Vertical Tubes Cooled with R-134a, Report Number UO-MCG-TH-00006, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., March 2000, 38 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C.,Vasic, A. and Antoshko, Yu., Effects of Flow Obstructions on the Critical Heat Flux in a Vertical Circular Tube with Upward Flow of R-134a, Report NumberUO-MCG-TH-00001, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., January 2000, 109 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Antoshko, Yu.V., Effects of Flow Obstruction's Edges on the Critical Heat Flux in a Vertical Circular Tube, Report Number UO-MCG-TH-00002, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., January 2000, 33 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Antoshko, Yu.V., Experimental Study of the Effect of Flow and Geometrical Parameters on the Critical Heat Flux in a Circular Tube, Report NumberUO-MCG-TH-99002, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., December 1999, 190 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Du, Q., Effect of Flow Obstructions in a Circular Tube on the Critical Heat Flux at Medium Flows, Report Number UO-MCG-TH-99001, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., March 1999, 88 pages
- Pioro, I.L. and Cheng, S.C., Literature Survey of the Russian Publications Devoted to the Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance of a Fluid at Supercritical Pressures, Report NumberUO-MCG-TH-98003, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., November 1998, 148 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C., Vasic, A. and Salah, I., Experimental Study of the Effect of Flow Obstructions in a Circular Tube on Critical Heat Flux, Report Number UO-MCG-TH-98002, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., October 1998, 66 pages
- Pioro, I.L., Cheng, S.C.and Wang, H.M., Effect of Cross Section Geometry and Shape on Critical Heat Flux, Report Number UO-MCG-TH-97002, Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., September 1997, 114 pages
- Lee, Y. and Pioro, I.L., Testing of MESTEK Heat Pipes, Final Report, 48 pages, Supplement, 21 pages, Prepared for MESTEK CANADA, Inc., February 1997
- Lee, Y., Pioro, I.L. and Rhi, S.H., A Cooling System Using Two-Phase Loop Thermosyphons for ATM Switching System, Final Report, Prepared for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea, February 1997, 148 pages
- Lee,Y. and Pioro, I.L., Simultaneous Boiling/Condensation in a Narrow Compartment, Progress Report, Prepared for SUNKYONG INDUSTRIES, Korea, February 1994, 28 pages
- Sarkisov, A.A., Khitrikov, V.A., Pioro, I.L., An Estimation and Analysis of Ways of Increasing Safety of Nuclear Power Plants Located Underground, Report, Institute of Safety Development of Atomic Energy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991
- Pioro, I.L., Development of Heat Transfer Equipment with Heat Pipes (Two-Phase Thermosyphons), (In Russian), Final Report, Prepared for the USSR State Committee of Science and Technology, 1990, 155 pages
Media appearances
ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering
| November 1, 2018
- Video The Chernobyl Conspiracy on 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident aired on the Science Channel (SWR Media; Discovery Channel Documentary) (July 2019);
- ASME video (Journal of Nuclear Engineering; press on ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science) (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) (November, 2018)