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Nuclear Technology

This minor is designed for our university undergraduates who may want to increase their knowledge in nuclear technology to better position them in the Ontario nuclear industry job market, specifically in the nuclear power sector. With the development of new reactor technologies, SMRs, large scale reactors, and new applications of nuclear technology, there is an increase in demand for all types of scientists and engineers to work in the nuclear sector. To advance their skill set, the minor will provide fundamentals related to operations, safety, and the environment that are required for a successful career in the nuclear sector. Topics covered in this minor include nuclear professionalism, nuclear design, nuclear safety, environmental assessments, power production and instrumentation.


Two core courses:

  1. NUCL 2240U - Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals 
  2. NUCL 4640U - Nuclear Plant Operation

Four of the below electives:

  • ESNS 4660U - Risk Analysis Methods
  • NUCL 3740U - Scientific Instrumentation
  • NUCL 4460U - Nuclear Power Systems
  • NUCL 4500U - BWR Design and Construction
  • NUCL 4510U - Nuclear Plant Chemistry
  • NUCL 4525U - Nuclear Plant Safety Design
  • NUCL 4610U - Corrosion for Engineers
  • NUCL 4680U - Nuclear Materials
  • NUCL 4700U - Nuclear Plant Design andSimulation
  • NUCL 4880U - Principles of Fusion Energy

A maximum of two courses may be taken as part of a student’s major program of study.

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