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A specialization is an enhancement to your degree that follows courses targeted for industry needs. You don’t take any additional courses, just specific electives. 

Adding a specialization to your degree is easy! Just take the specific electives and apply for 'change of program' and you're done! 

Specialization Programs Available What courses do you take? 
Artificial Inteligence Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering*
ENGR 3150U - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
ENGR 4170U - Deep Learning
ENGR 4270U - Machine Learning Applications
Internet of Things Software Engineering SOFE 4610U - Design and Analysis of IoT Software Systems
SOFE 4630U - Cloud Computing
SOFE 4620U - Machine Learning and Data Mining
Railway Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering*
Manufacturing Engineering*
Automotive Engineering**

ENGR 3011U - Introduction to Railway Systems
ENGR 4022U - Railway Safety and Signalling
ENGR 4033U - Railway Rolling Stock
ENGR 4044U - Railway Systems Operation and Maintenance

Electrical and Software Engineering students may take these as electives with permission (please contact an Engineering Advisor)
Smart Grid Electrical Engineering ELEE 4115U - Fundamentals of Smart Grid
ELEE 4120U - Introduction to Power Electronics
ELEE 4125U - Smart Grid Networking and Security
ELEE 4140U - Power System Protection Relaying 

* = available as specialization in fall 2027 (note, current students may take them as electives)
** = available as specialization in fall 2029 (note, current students may take them as electives)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a specialization?
    A specialization is an addition to your degree where you take no additional courses, just specific electives that align with the topic. 
  • How do you take a specialization?

    You have to do 2 things to take a specialization:

    1. Apply for the specialization on MyOntarioTech > Undergraduate Forms > Change of program and readmission forms > Change of specialization
    2. Take the courses that align with your specialization, seen in the table above or on your program map

    Then wait for confirmation from an Academic Advisor and you're in! You can apply for the specialization after you've already taken a course. Example: You are entering your fourth year and you have taken Introduction to Railway Systems already, you can apply for the specialization and sign up for the remaining fourth-year electives. 

    NOTE: Railway Engineering registration opens in June 2025. Fill out the contact form on this page to be notified when it opens.

  • When can I apply for the specialization?

    Apply for the specialization in your second or third year. 

    Internet of Things and Smart Grid - sign up in 3rd year.

    Artificial Intelligence and Railway Engineering - sign up in 2nd year.

    NOTE: Railway Engineering registration opens in June 2025. Fill out the contact form on this page to be notified when it opens.

  • What are the deadlines for applying?
    There is no specific deadline, but some courses require prerequisites to take before graduation. Refer to the program maps for up-to-date information.
  • What are the benefits of taking the specialization?
    Specializations are designed to not add any extra courses or time to your degree, and give you an enhanced skill set in that area. They have been designed and developed alongside industry partners to determine the specific skills they expect and need from graduates.
  • Can you take more than one specialization?
    No, you can only choose one specialization.
  • Why is there an asterisk next to my proram in the table?

    Some programs can not apply for the specialization just yet to align with accreditation. 

    However, if you are in one of these programs you can take the electives and if you are entering your final year in the year it goes into effect, you can then apply to take the specialization.