Edward Waller
Professor and Industrial Research Chair
NSERC/UNENE IRC in Health Physics and Environmental Safety
Department of Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Contact information
Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre (ERC)
- Room 4063
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.8668 ext. 5521
- PhD in Nuclear Engineering and Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
- MScE in Chemical Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick
- Bachelor of Science in Physics University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Courses taught
- Environmental Effects of Radioactivity
- Environmental Modelling
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Radiation Protection
- Radiation Shielding
Research and expertise
- Applied health physics
- Environmental impact of radionuclides
- Internal and External Dosimetry
- Non-intrusive investigation
- Nuclear security and CBRN counter-terrorism
- Radiation detection
- Risk analysis
- Threat detection
- “Radiological Contaminants: Triage, Treatment and Medical Management of Exposed Persons”, Waller, E., in Disaster Management: Medical Preparedness, Response and Homeland Security, in print, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2013
- Sources of Radiation in the Environment: including natural radiation, naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), technically enhanced materials, weapons tests and nuclear accidents, Waller,E., in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, ISBN 978-0-387-89469-0, Springer, 2012;
- Industrial Radiography Accident At The Yanango Hydroelectric Power Plant, Zaharia, M, Goans, R, Berger, M, Pinillos-Ashton, L, Picon, C, Waller,E. And Ricks, R, in The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness - The Clinical Care of Victims, edited by Ricks, R.C., Berger, M.E., and O'Hara, F.M., Parthenon Publishing, New York, 2002. ISBN 1-84214-090-6; and
- Acknowledgement in book (chapter reviewer): Handbook on Radiation Probing, Gauging Imaging and Analysis. Volume I: Basics and Techniques, Volume II: Applications and Design, by Esam M.A. Hussein Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 2003.
Book reviews
- The Day We Lost the H-Bomb Cold War, Hot Nukes, and the Worst Nuclear Weapons Disaster in History, Waller, E., Health Phys. Volume 99, Number 6, Dec. 2010;
- Fusion The Energy of the Universe, Waller, E., Health Phys., Volume 99, Number 1, p. 90, July 2010;
- Radiation Mechanics, Waller, E., Health Phys, Volume 97, Number4, pp. 357-358, 2009;
- The Undergrowth of Science â€" Delusion, Self-Deception and Human Frailty, Waller, E., Health Phys., Volume 93, Number 4, p. 330, 2007; and
- Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology, Waller, E., Health Phys., Volume 87, Number 4, 2004.
- An orofacial radiation detection device for rapid triage of personnel at risk of internal radionuclide contamination from inhalation, Waller, E., U.S. Patent Number 7,763,860, 27 July 2010.
Select papers
- Section VI. Comments by Critical Reviewers for 60th Session of UNSCEAR document entitled Methodology for Estimating Human Exposures Due to Radioactive Discharges, prepared as Chairperson, Expert Group on Discharge Methodology (EGDM), 3. February 2013
- Radiation Exposure from Cardiac Imaging and Interventional Procedures”, Waller, E.et al., Can. J. Cardiology, in print, 2013
- Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Nuclear Engineering Students, Waller, E. and Kaye, M., Eur. J. Engineer. Educ., 37(4):331-342, 2012
- Chapter 6 – Biodosimetry and Biomarkers for Radiological Emergency Response, Wilkinson, D., Waller, E., Abend, M., Riecke, A., Ruf, C., Jaworska, A., Striklin, D., Holt, D., Rothkamm, K., Blakely, W., Buddemeier, B., Curling, C., Disraelly, D., Homann, S., Levine, I., Millage, K., Nasstrum, J., Nemhauser, J., Ross, J., Sandgren, D. and Sugiyama, G., in Radiation BioEffects and Countermeasures, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, RTO-TR-HFM-099, AC/323(HFM-099)TP/356, October 2011
- Independent Review of the Exposure of Workers to Alpha Radiation at Bruce A Restart, Reactor Unit 1, Bruce Power, Ontario, Cohalan, C., Haynes, M., Vikis, A.,Waller, E., Walsh, M., LaBone, T., Dooley, D., Hargreaves, T. and Bell, D., Radiation Safety Institute of Canada Final Report 14 July 2011
- Utilization of a Gamma Electronic Personal Dosimeter in a Mixed Neutron/Gamma Cf-252 Field for Total Dose”, Waller, E.J., Nuclear Tech., 175:93-104, 2011.
- Representation of a Low Yield Nuclear Weapon Neutron Spectrum using an (α,n) Neutron Source, Waller, E., Nuclear Tech., 175:89-92, 2011
- A Strategy for Creating Probabilistic Radiation Maps in Areas Based on Sparse Data, McDougall, R., Waller, E. and Nokleby, S., ANS Trans, 103(1): 655-656, 2010;
- Combined Hardware-Software Considerations for Triage of Internally Contaminated Personnel, Waller, E., Rad. Prot. Dos. 142(1): 24-28, 2010;
- First Response Considerations for Children Exposed to a Radiological Dispersal Device, Waller, E., Rad. Prot. Dos. 142(1): 63:67, 2010;
- MEDECOR - A MEdical DECORporation tool to assist first responders, receivers and medical reach-back personnel in triage, treatment and risk assessment after internalization of radionuclides, Waller, E. and Wilkinson, D., Health Phys, 99(4): 581-590, 2010;
- Utilization of a Gamma Electronic Personal Dosimeter in a Mixed Neutron/Gamma Cf-252 Field for Total Dose, Waller, E., Nuclear Tech., 2010;
- Representation of a Low Yield Nuclear Weapon Neutron Spectrum using an (α,n) Neutron Source, Waller, E., Nuclear Tech., 2010;
- In Vitro Dissolution Study of Uranium Dioxide and Uranium Ore with Different Particle Sizes in Simulated Lung Fluid, Li, W., Skinner, R. Megna, K., Chen, J., Perera, S., Murimboh, J., Waller, E., Erhardt, L. and Cornett, J., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Volume 279, Number 1, pp. 209-218, 2009;
- Use of Stable Isotopes as Surrogates for Radionuclides for Security Studies”, Andrews, W., Waller, E., Brousseau, P., Roy, G., Cao, X., Creber, K., and Erhardt, L., J. Radioanal Nucl. Chem., Volume 282, pp. 919-922, 2009;
- Overview of Hazard Assessment and Emergency Planning Software of Use to RN First Responders, Waller, E., Millage, Blakely, Ross, Mercier, Sandgren, Levine, Dickerson, Nemhauser, Nasstrom, Sugiyama, Homann, Buddemeier, Curling and Disraelly, Health Phys, Volume 97, Number 2, pp. 145-156, 2009;
- Radiological Hazard Estimates from Contaminated Mask Filters, Waller, E. and Erhardt, L., Health Phys., Volume 96, Number 4, 2009;
- Comparison of Experimental and Computational Neutron Spectroscopy at a 14 MeV Neutron Generator Facility, Waller, E., Cousins, T., Desrosiers, M., Jones, T., Buhr, R. and Rambousky, R., Rad. Phys. Chem., Volume 78, Number 5, pp. 311-317, 2009;
- Radiation Protection Issues Related to Canadian Museum Operations, Waller, E., Cole, D. and Jamieson, T., Health Phys,Volume 94, Number 2, suppl. 1, pp. S155-S159, 2008;
- Release Limits and Decontamination Efficacy for Tritium: Lessons Learned Outside Nuclear Power Operations, Waller, E., Cole, D. and Jamieson, T., Health Phys, Volume 93, Number 5, suppl. 3, pp. S16-S20, 2007; and
- A Non-Intrusive Neutron Device For In-Situ Detection Of Petroleum Contamination In Soil, Mercer, J., Hussein, E. and Waller, E., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Volume 263, pp. 217-220, 2007.
Honours, awards and affiliations
- Certified Health Physicist (CHP), American Board of Health Physics
- Certified Associate Industrial Hygienist (CAIH), American Board of Industrial Hygiene
- Professional Engineer (PEng) Ontario; Consulting Engineering Ontario
- American Nuclear Society & ANΣ
- Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS)
- American Board of Health Physics (ABHP)
- Health Physics Society (HPS)
- Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA)
- American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)
- Adjunct Professor, McMaster University