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Aerodynamic and Climatic Adaptation Research (AeroClimar) Center

Our vision is to be a world-class center for research and innovation in the field of climatic aerodynamics.
Our mission is to drive the development and advancement of cutting-edge technologies and practices that enhance the efficiency, safety, competitiveness, and sustainability of various fields such as road and marine transportation, air travel, residential and industrial structures defense, sports, and energy sectors. By leveraging our expertise in aerodynamics, fluid-structure interactions, body and surface optimization, and climatic adaptation research, we seek to push the boundaries of what is possible and deliver innovative solutions that address real-world challenges.


Dr. Atef Mohany

Dr. Atef Mohany


Dr. Martin Agelin-Chaab

Dr. Martin Agelin-Chaab

Dr. Ahmad Barari

Dr. Ahmad Barari

Dr. Horia Hangan

Dr. Horia Hangan

Dr. Brendan MacDonald

Dr. Brendan MacDonald