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2019 Capstone Projects


  • 1st PLACE - Active Vents

    Group #19

    Project Title: Actve Vents

    Patrick Andruszkiewicz
    Anthony Desouza
    Chirag Karia
    Ziyue Wang

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Akramul Azim

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

    The purpose of our capstone project is to design and analyze how machine learning can be used to intelligently control air supply in a home. With optimum control, we can effectively reach and maintain desired temperatures and have the ability to set different set points across different rooms in a residential property.

  • 2nd PLACE - Extensible Package Integration Controller: an IoT framework

    Group #23

    Project Title: Extensible Package Integration Controller: an IoT framework

    Raven Castaneda
    Eric A Dubé
    Brady Ibanez
    Taylor Somann

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Akramul Azim

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

    There exists a pervasive shift in the focus of networking technologies intended to account for new Internet of Things device implementations. As the need for greater numbers of included IoT nodes within a given Internet of Things system increases, there grows a further requirement to allow for automated and seamless component integration and interaction. In order to facilitate this component interaction, this project allows for in-memory data structuring to facilitate communication and data availability on a hub application. This includes a software package installation system for the easy deployment and integration of additional functionality, including support for the control of highly specialized devices. This functionality is made available to users through a web application-based interface which leverages the Mozilla Web of Things specification to communicate system capabilities to the user. These drivers can be configured with custom scripts for a variety of tasks including reading sensors and acting as a controller for other devices, with scripts triggered through the hub application. What results is a flexible and extensible framework for a user’s defined IoT system with customizability left at the fingertips of the implementer. This includes the ability to configure additional hub devices as lower-level controllers of scalable node clusters and generalized node drivers provided for custom, lean device-specific configuration.


  • 3rd PLACE - Modular Level Solid State Relay with Current Sense for Electric Vehicle Battery Implementation

    Group #17

    Project Name: Modular Level Solid State Relay with Current Sense for Electric Vehicle Battery Implementation

    Wesley Paquette
    Andre Pinsonnault
    Tyler Smith
    Matthew Smith

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Sheldon Williamson

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

    The purpose of this project is to design a modular level solid state relay with current sensing for the Ontario Tech Formula SAE electric vehicle. The High Current Solid State Relay (HCSSR) is an electronic load measurement and breaking device. It essentially is a compact power switch for high current systems. There are currently several Battery Management System (BMS) boards due to power constraints of the BMS board. Our objective is to reduce the total amount of BMS boards required by rerouting the high current path off of the BMS board. Secondly, a new isolated current sensing circuit is integrated to provide accurate reading of the vehicle’s current operating condition. The design meets FSAE requirements and existing component specifications. In addition, the design has extensive protective measures to ensure safe and reliable operation of the accumulator packs. The design incorporates a versatile, low loss, minimal weight, cost effective, and highly efficient design. The device is compatible with multiple input voltage levels in order to be adaptable for future electric vehicle accumulator designs. The current sensor has multiple current sensitivities so that it may be accurate in low and high current ranges, up to 300A.

  • Next Generation Photovoltaic Power Supply

    Group #1

    Project Title: Next Generation Photovoltaic Power Supply

    Aryan Agnihotri
    Lingli Gong
    Aiman Khan
    Adit Patel
    Tadeas Smolko 

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Mohamed Youssef

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

    The purpose of our project was to design and develop a power supply which harvests solar energy and converts it into electrical energy with high efficiency to power a microprocessor. There are several projects heavily relying on the use of microcontrollers such as Arduino and raspberry pi. The focus of our project is to design a solar power supply to power such microcontrollers which requires low voltage and the ability to store power when it is not connected to the load. In order to produce a single stage design, a buck/boost converter has been utilized in the power management unit.

  • Renofai – A Platform for Connecting Clients to Contractors for Home Improvement

    Group #2

    Project Title: Renofai – A Platform for Connecting Clients to Contractors for Home Improvement

    Reid Butson
    Bradon Lodwick
    Christian Macleod
    Thomas Reis

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud 

  • Predictive Analysis on Road Quality

    Group #3

    Project Title: Predictive Analysis on Road Quality

    Ali Ahmadi
    Jonathan Fischer
    Habibullah Noorzaie
    Viraj Patel

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Khalid Elgazzar

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud

  • Seacure Examination System

    Group #4

    Project Title: Seacure Examination System

    Keneth Dela-Cruz
    James Morrison
    Joshua Pineda
    Matthew Rabski

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Ramiro Liscano

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud

    Current laptop examination systems are restrictive and provide basic security systems. To allow for more varying testing of skills, as opposed to typical memorization heavy written-exams, students should be able to access offline-applications during exams while also not being able to communicate with other students, to better take advantage of the functionality given by laptop examinations.

    SEAcure is a electronic testing system that allows faculty to create Blackboard tests normally, but only allow students to access and undergo the test when they are using the SEAcure client, which by doing so, will prevent unauthorized communications. Instructors can view live status' of all students in their class who are connected to the SEAcure system, to get a better gist of what the students are doing, and to further ensure that cheating is not taking place.




  • Locate: Proximity-Based Attendance Application

    Group #5

    Project Name: Locate: Proximity-Based Attendance Application

    Logan MacDonald
    Samina Rahmanyar
    Zane Rammal
    Kabilan Sivagnanasundaram

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Ramiro Liscano

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud

    Locate ​is a proximity-based, semi-automated attendance system that prioritizes non-intrusiveness, low cost, and simple deployment. It uses a minimal interface and offloads CPU intensive computations to the cloud, as to not distract the user or slow down their device. Using Wifi and cloud technology allows for simple deployment and also minimizes costs because of pre-existing hardware. We use received signal strength indication (RSSI) from the students’ devices to the access points around the campus to calculate distance and determine a student's location in a room. We determine which router the student is connected to using the MAC address of the access point (BSSID). The program will detect a student as being absent if they are not connected to the application or detected in the incorrect classroom.

  • Classification of EEG Brain Signals Using the OpenBCI Ultracortex Mark IV Headset

    Group #6

    Project Name: Classification of EEG Brain Signals Using the OpenBCI Ultracortex Mark IV Headset

    Jonas Albaira
    Kevin Apuyan
    Jacob Morra
    Vrund Shah

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Khalid Hafeez

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud

    Our project involves the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of motor-based Electrophysiological signals generated by the brain via the OpenBCI Mark IV Headset. Specifically, EEG brain waves (taken from two frontal and two rear node locations) are sent to a computer by Bluetooth and published in real-time in a Graphical User Interface; this data is further analyzed and used to run a graphical application. The user provides up to three input actions during the input acquisition time frame: eye blink, jaw clench, and eyebrow raise. The system is able to correctly classify which action is performed based on the EEG signal data alone.

    This project has potential applications in the entertainment and medical industries. As an entertainment application, the technology could be paired with virtual reality for engaging consumer experiences. As a medical application, the capability to use a BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface) for application interactions could be beneficial to those suffering from severe motor disabilities, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal cord injury, stroke, and other serious neuromuscular diseases or injuries. BCI technology holds promise to be particularly helpful to people who are “locked-in,” cognitively intact but without useful muscle function.

  • Identity Recognition for Vehicles

    Group #7

    Project Name: Identity Recognition for Vehicles

    Amin Avanessian-Zadeh
    Ebrahim Merchant
    Cherlyne Santhirarajan
    Sikandar Shahbaz
    Devante Wilson

    Group Academic Supervisor: Dr. Khalid Hafeez

    Course Instructor & Capstone Coordinator: Dr. Qusay Mahmoud

    This product will be for any vehicle owner wanting to make their vehicle’s accessibility more secure. This will be achieved by implementing security authentication measures for anyone who enters the vehicle. The owner of the vehicle will always have top priority over the use of the vehicle. They will have the power to add any new users into the vehicle’s user recognition database and dictate the role that a specific user will hold. For instance, the vehicle owner will be able to add a user into an autonomous car’s system. However, the owner may decide if this specific user is only allowed to be a passenger in the vehicle and the user is not fit to drive - a preventative measure for not authorizing underage drivers, for example. In this case, the passenger will be able to get into a passenger seat for the vehicle and travel to a designated destination through its self-driving ability.

  • Leviosa Express