Power Electronics and Drives Applications Laboratory (PEDAL)
Welcome to the Power Electronics and Drives Applications Laboratory (PEDAL)
Our group's home is the Power Electronics and Drives Applications Laboratory (PEDAL). Our group is fond of innovating power electronics' converters for the IoT/Telecom, Smart Gird, and Transportation Electrification! Our multi-million dollar facility is meant to deliver for industry needs...We are Ready!
Meet our team:
Mr. Laith Alkhawaldeh
Mr. Laith Alkhawaldeh is a current MASc student working on charging stations for electric vehicles.
Mr. Abdul Bhuiya
Mr. Abdul Bhuiya is a current MASc student working on innovations in the area of railway cars and Hyperloop design.
Mr. Omid Salari
Mr. Omid Salari is close to finalizing his Ph.D at Queen's about energy management solutions for electric vehicles and will join Sparq company.
Mr. Anshuman Sharma
Mr. Anshuman Sharma is a current NSERC/CGS Award holder for his MASc and works on innovative solutions in Transportation Electrification.
Mr. Yousefreza Jafarian
Mr. Yousefreza Jafarian is a current Ph.D. student and will work on solutions for smart motor drives'
Ms. Lingli Gong
Ms. Lingli Gong is a MASc student working on power supply for IoT applications.
Mr. Asjad Elahi
Mr. Asjad Elahi is working on Traction inverters with Energy Storage Capability for Grid Interface.
Mitacs Globalink Interns
- Mr. Bahadir Talu from Turkey
- Mr. Fourat Zribi from Tunisia
- Ms. Yasmine Bahria from Tunisia
- Ms. Nourhene Siala from Tunisia
- Mr. Abdelatif Ltifi from Germany
- Mr. Minh Nguyen
- Mr. Jordan Henry
- Mr. Anshuman Sharma
- Mr. Rahim Nusrat
Past Members
We have numerous international students funded by Mitacs Globalink and Canadian summer students funded by NSERC scholarships.
- Dr. Y. Koraz is a former research associate and is now in the telecom industry workforce in Ontario.
- Dr. Zekiye Erdem is a former post-doctorate fellow working as an Assistant Professor in Turkey.
- Dr. A. Zidan is a joint former post-doctorate fellow at the Royal Military College and is now working in the solar converter industry in Ontario.
- Dr. Ahmed Abdelrahman is a former Ph.D student and is now working as a post-doctorate fellow at McMaster University.
- Ms. Y. Attia is a former MASc student and is now working at The University of Waterloo.
- Mr. M. Eid is a former MASc student and is now working with a French power supply/software company.
- Marwan Abou Zeid, is an Ontario Tech University Alumni with a MASc degree about solar inverters in 2015. He is a manager of the engineering department in Thompson and Reuters. He holds an MBA from McGill university.
- Radwanul Rasel, is an Ontario Tech University Alumni with an M. Eng. in 2016, and is an electrical engineer in Esso Canada.
Current Research
Power Electronics Applications in the area of IoT/5G.
Power train/ Drives packages for automotive and railway.
Inverters for Smart Grid applications.
- Articles in refereed journals
- Articles in refereed conference proceedings
- Non-Refereed Publications
- Patents “Recent Work”
A. Sharma, R. Nusrat, M. Bhuiya, and M. Youssef,” Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation of Different Power Train Topologies’ Models in Electric Vehicles: A Plug-and-Play Capability,” IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, September 2021. Page 365-367 (impact factor: 5.3).
L. Alkhawaldeh, M. Bhuiya, M. Eid, and M. Youssef, ”An Enhanced EPP-MPPT Algorithm with Modified Control Technique in Solar-Based Inverter Applications: Analysis and Experimentation,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021. Pages: 8158-8166. (Impact factor: 3.367)
M. Bhuiya, Md. Aziz, F. Mursheda, R. Lum, N. Brar, and M. Youssef,” A New Hyperloop Transportation System: Design and Practical Integration,” Invited Paper, Robotics Journal, MDPI, 2022 (Impact Factor: 4.9)
O. Salari, A. Bakhshai, K. Hashtrudizaad, M. Youssef, and P. Jain,”A Systematic Approach for the Design of the Digital Low Pass Filters for Energy Storage Systems in EV Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, Feb. 2020. Accepted (Impact Factor: 7.15)
A. Sheir, M. Youssef, and M. Orabi,” A Novel Bi-directional T-Type Multilevel Inverter for Electric Vehicle Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.34, issue 7 July 2019. (Impact Factor:7.15)
E. Abedeen, M. Gaafar, M. Orabi, A. Sheir, and M. Youssef, “A Novel Dual Input High Gain Transformer less Multilevel Single-phase Micro Inverter for PV Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, early access, September 2019. (Impact Factor: 7.15)
A. Sheir, M. Orabi, M. Youssef, and M. Ahmed,” Towards a Way to Benchmark Multilevel Inverter Topologies Based on Level to Components Ratio,” IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 42, June 2019 (Impact Factor: 1.05).
A. Abdelrahman, J. Sayeed, and M. Youssef,” Hyperloop Transportation System: Analysis Design Control and Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Published, vol. 65, no. 9, September 2018. Pp-7247-7257. (Impact Factor: 7.168)
A.S. Abdelrahman, K. Algarny, and M. Youssef, “A Novel Platform for Power Train Modeling of Electric Cars with Experimental Validation Using Real-Time Hardware in-the-Loop (HIL): A Case Study of GM Chevrolet Volt 2nd Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Early Access, January 2018. (Impact Factor: 7.15)
A.S. Abdelrahman, Z. Erdem, Y. Attia, and M. Youssef,” Wide Bandgap Devices in Electric Vehicles Converters: A Performance Survey,” IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, volume 41, issue 1. Pp.45-54 (Impact Factor: 1.15).
M. Youssef, K. Woronowicz, K. Aditya, N. Abdulazeez, and S. Williamson,” Design and Development of an Efficient Multilevel DC/AC Traction Inverter for Railway Transportation Electrification,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 31, issue 4, June 2016. Pp. 3036-3042 (Impact Factor: 3.5)
A. Abdelrahman, Y. Attia, K. Woronowicz, and M. Youssef,” Hybrid Metro Rail Car: Feasibility Study,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. Vol. 2, issue 4, March 2016. Pp. 493-503 (Impact Factor: 1.16)
M. Youssef, “Design and Performance of Cost Effective BLDC Motors for Water Pump Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, volume 62, No. 5, May 2015 (Impact factor: 7.16). M. Salah, M. Abu-Mallouh, M. Youssef, E. Abdelhafez, M. Hamdan, and B. Surgenor, “Hybrid Vehicular Power Test Bench: Design, Construction, and Performance Testing,” Transactions on Measurement and Control. Vol. 1, issue 10. Pp. 1-10, August 2016. (Impact factor 1.5)
M. Abu-Mallouh, E. Abdelhafez, M. Salah, M. Hamdan, B. Surgenor, and M. Youssef, “Model Development and Analysis of a mid-size Hybrid Fuel-cell/battery Vehicle with a Representative Driving Cycle,” Journal of Power Sources, Elsevier, vol. 260 (Impact factor: 5.00). Published in March 2014
M. Khan, A. Abou Arkoub, M. Youssef, and Michael. J. Newton, "Evaluation of Loss of Load Probability and Expected Energy Generation in Multi-area Interconnected Systems with Wind Generating Units," Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. JEPE 13120720-2014. (Impact Factor: 2.5). Published
M. Z. Youssef and Praveen K. Jain, “Series-parallel Resonant Converter in the Self-sustained Oscillation Mode with the High Frequency Transformer Leakage Inductance Effect: Analysis, Modeling, and Design,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, volume 54, no. 3, June 2007.pp.1329-1341
M. Z. Youssef and Praveen K. Jain, “A Novel Single Stage Self-oscillating AC-DC Series-parallel Resonant Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 6, November 2006. pp 1735-1744
M. Z. Youssef and Praveen K. Jain, “Self-sustained Phase-shift Modulated Resonant Converters: Analysis, Modeling, and Design,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, issue 2, March 2006. pp. 401-414
M. Z. Youssef, H. Pinheiro and Praveen K. Jain, “A Reduced Order Sampled-data Dynamic Model for a Series-parallel Resonant Converter,” Transactions of the European Power Electronic Journal (EPE), vol. 15, no. 1, February 2005. pp. 1-14
M. Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, “A Novel Generalized Sampled Data Dynamic Model for A Series-Parallel Resonant Converter under Self-Sustained Oscillation Mode PART I: Capacitive Output Filter,” Invited paper to the special issue on Power Electronics of the Scientific Journal of the Holon Academy, February 2005. pp. 12-30.
- M. Bhuiya, and M. Youssef,” A Practical Test Bench Development of a Hyperloop Propulsion System: Modeling, Simulation, and Prototype Integration,” Accepted, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), October 2022.
- L. Gong, A. Sharma, J. Henry, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Solar Harvesting Modular Wireless Sensor Mote for Green House Applications: Design & Implementation,” published, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), October 2021.
- M. Bhuiya, L. Gong, and M. Youssef,” A New Multilevel Inverter under Distributed Unbalance DC Voltage for Electric Vehicle Applications,” published, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), October 2021.
- L. Alkhawaldeh, L. Gong, and M. Youssef,” A New Modular Level-2 PEV Charger for Plug-in Electric Vehicle: Design and Implementation,” published, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), October 2021.
- L. Gong, A. Sharma, M. Bhuiya, and M. Youssef,” An Artificial Intelligence Based Fault Monitoring of Power Trains: Design & Implementation,” published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), June 2021.pp. 2761-2768.
- A. Sharma, Y. ElHaj, J. Ren, and M. Youssef,” Fault Detection Technique Based On Clustering Approach of Artificial Intelligence in Electric Vehicle Converters,” published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2020.pp. 2481-2486.
- F. Selim, M. Youssef, and M. Orabi,” Eight-switch Converter using PMSG Based WECS for Stand-alone Applications,” published, proceedings of the Middle East Power Conference (MEPCON), December 2019 .pp. 614-620.
- M. Bhuiya, M. Ashraf, A. Hanif, E. Okoria, S. Kofoalada, Y. Koraz, and M. Youssef,”Evaluation and Design of a Three-Phase Inverter for a Maglev Application, “published, proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE), December 2019 .pp. 418-424.
- Y. Koraz, and M. Youssef,” Rapid prototyping testing technique for electric vehicle propulsion systems utilizing real-time hardware in-the-loop (hil) device, “published, proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE), December 2019 .pp. 228-231.
- A. Sharma, Y. Koraz, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Control Methodology for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems Utilizing Maximum Power Point Tracking, “published, proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), June 2019 .pp. 1-4.
- A. Sharma, Y. Koraz, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Control Methodology for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems Utilizing Maximum Power Point Tracking, “published, proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), June 2019 .pp. 1-4.
- A. Sheir, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Power Balancing Technique in Neutral Point Clamping Multilevel Inverters for the Electric Vehicle Industry under Distributed Unbalance Battery Powering Scheme,” published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2019. pp. 3304-3308.
- A. Sheir, M. Youssef, and M. Orabi,” A novel auxiliary modular inverter with battery integration for electric vehicle applications,” published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2019. pp. 1730-1737.
- E. Abdeen, M. Gaafar, M. Youssef, and M. Orabi,” A Novel High Gain Single-phase Transformer-less Multi-level Micro-inverter,” published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2019. pp. 3263-3268.
- J. Henry, R. Lang, D. Qendri, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Solar Harvesting Wireless Sensor Node with Energy Management System: Design & Implementation,” published, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), October 2019. Pages: 2635-2642.
- K. Algarney, A. Abdelrahman, and M. Youssef,” Performance Comparison between Induction and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Electric Machines in Water Pump Application,”published, 2nd IEEE European Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECS), December 2018. Pages: 165-169.
- J. Sayeed, A. Abdelrahman, and M. Youssef,” Hyperloop Transportation System: Control, and Drive System Design” published, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), September 2018. Pages: 2767-2773.
- Z. Erdem, A. Abdelrahman, Y. Attia, and M. Youssef,” Performance of Wide Bandgap Devices in Electric Vehicles: A Case Study,”I published, EEE European Power Electronics Conference (EPE-ECCE 2018), September 2018. Pages-1-9.
- K. Algarny, A. Abdelrahman, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Platform for Power Train Model of Electric Cars with Experimental Validation Using Real-Time Hardware in-the-Loop (HIL): a Case Study of GM Chevrolet Volt 2nd Generation,” Published, proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2018.pp. 3510-3516
- M. Zaery, M.Orabi, and M. Youssef,” Operational cost reduction based on distributed adaptive droop control technique in DC micro grids,” Published, proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), September 2017. Pp. 2638-2644
- M. Zaery, M.Orabi, and M. Youssef,” Operational cost reduction based on distributed adaptive droop control technique in DC micro grids,” Published, proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE), September 2017. Pp. 2079-2085
- J. Henry, A. Abdelrahman, and M. Youssef,” Modeling and simulation of the 2016 Chevy Volt in dual PMSM EV mode,” Published, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid, SEGE 2017, August 2017. Pp.56-61
- J. Henry, D. Qendri, R. Lang, V. Sood, and M. Youssef,” A Compact & Cost Effective Solar Harvesting Modular Wireless Sensor Node with Innovative Energy Management: System: Design & Implementation,” Published, IEEE International Conference on Energy & Telecommunications, INTELEC, October 2017.
- M. Eid, A. Abdelrahman, Y. Wang, and M. Youssef,” Analysis and Implementation of an Advanced EPP-MPPT Control Technique in Solar-based Water Pump Applications,” Published, IEEE International Conference on Energy & Telecommunications, INTELEC, October 2017.
- Z. Erdem, and M. Youssef,” A Two-Loop PI Control of DC-DC Boost Converter with Intelligent State Observer,” Published, IEEE International Conference on Energy & Telecommunications, INTELEC, October 2017.
- A. Abdelrahman, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Design of Water Pump Drive System: Design, Simulation, and Experimentation,” Published, Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), March 2017. Tampa, Florida. Pp.2329-2335
- A. Abdelrahman, M. Eid, Y. Wang, J. Ren, and M. Youssef,” A Survey Study of an Artificial Intelligence based Controllers for the Solar Energy Harvesting Converters,” Published, proceedings of the IEEE European Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (EPE-ECCE), September 2016. Pp. 1-5
- Y. Attia, and M. Youssef, ”GaN on Silicon E-HEMT and Pure Silicon MOSFET in EV DC/DC Converters: A Comparative Study in a Nissan Leaf,” Published, IEEE International Conference on Energy & Telecommunications, October 2016. Pp. 1-6
- Y. Attia, and M. Youssef” SiC Devices Overview on the Performance of DC/DC Converters in Electric Vehicles,” Published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-Asia), Busan, Korea, June 2016. Pp. 214-219
- A. Abdelrahman, M. Hamouda, and M. Youssef,” A Cost Effective BLDC Water Pump Drive,” Published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-Asia), Busan, Korea, June 2016. Pp. 240-245
- M. Eid, Y. Wang, and M. Youssef,” Single-input Three-output DC/DC Converter for the Automation Applications,” published, IEEE International Conference on Energy & Telecommunications, 2015.
- M. Eid, Y. Wang, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Efficient EPP-based Algorithm for MPPT PV Applications, “published, IEEE International Conference of Energy & Telecommunications (INTELEC), 2015.
- K. Aditya, M. Youssef, and S. Williamson,” Design Considerations to Obtain a High Figure of Merit in Circular Archimedean Spiral Coils for EV Battery Charging Applications,” published, IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON), 2015. Japan. Pp. 5396-5401
- K. Aditya, M. Youssef, and S. Williamson,” Analysis of Series-parallel Resonant Circuit for Wireless Charging using a Two-port Network Theory,” published, IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON), 2015. Japan. Pp. 5402-5407
- K. Aditya, B. Pescheiro, M. Youssef, and S. Williamson,” Modeling and Calculation of Key Design Parameters for an Inductive Power Transfer System via Finite Element Analysis,” published, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2015. Detroit, USA.
- M. Abouzeid, M. Youssef, and V. Sood,” A Comparison Study of a PV-MPPT Grid Integrated System under Different Control Techniques,” published, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) 2015. London, ON.
- H. Radwan, A. Shawky, M. Orabi, and M. Youssef,” A Novel Platform for an Accurate Modeling and Precise Control of Photovoltaic Modules under Maximum Power Point Tracking,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC, USA, 2015.
- M. Youssef, M. Orabi, and M. Tarbouchi,” A Novel Multilevel Inverter for the Traction Applications,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC, USA, 2015.
- K. Ahmed, M. Orabi, E. Hassanein, and M. Youssef,” Design of High Performance Powered Device for Power over Ethernet Systems,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- A. Shawky, M. Orabi, J. Abu-Qahouq, and M. Youssef, “Development and Comparative Evaluation of Management Systems for Advanced Photovoltaic Systems,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- Y. Kandeel, M. Orabi, M. El-Nemr, and M. Youssef,” Prediction of AC Inductor Power Loss in PsiP Buck Converters based on Steinmetz Parameters,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- A. Sheir, M. Orabi, M. Ahmed, A. Iqbal, and M. Youssef,” High Efficiency Single Phase Multi Level U Cell Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- Y. Jiang, J. Abu-Qahouq, M. Orabi, and M. Youssef, “PV Solar System with Multiple Input Power Converter Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode and MPPT Control,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication and Energy, INTELEC 2013, Germany.
- A. Shawky, A. Sheir, M. Orabi, J. Abou-Qahouq, and M. Youssef, “A High Efficiency Single-stage Current Source Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC 2013, Germany.
- Mohamed Youssef, Mohamed Abu-Mallouh, Mohammed Salah, Mohamed Hamdan, and E. Abdelhafez, (2014) “A Superior Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle Solution for Congested Urban Area” published, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Turkey. June 2014.
- Mohamed Mousa, Mohamed Orabi, and Mohamed Youssef, (2011)” High Voltage Gain Boost Converter Topology for Grid Connected Systems,” published, Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011, ECCE 2011, pp.4212-4217.
- Mohamed Hilmy, M. Orabi, and Mohamed Youssef, (2010)”A Less Sensor Control Method for A Standalone Small Wind Energy Turbine Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator”, proceedings of the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 2011, APEC 2010, pp.1968-1974.
- Mohamed Youssef, M. Orabi, and J. Abou Qahouq, (2010) ‘Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Considerations of the Input Filter in a 3-phase Inverter System for the Railway Applications”, published, proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2010, ECCE 2010, pp.4210-4216
- Hala Raslan, Mahrous Ahmed, Mohamed Orabi, and Mohamed Youssef, (2010)”Development of Grid Connected Power Conditioner System Compatible with Fuel Cell Applications,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2010, pp. 935-94.
- Mohamed Youssef, M. Orabi, and J. Abou Qahouq, (2010) ‘Analysis and Design of an LCC Resonant Inverter System for the Railway Applications”, proceedings of the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 2010, APEC 2010, pp.1778-1784.
- Mohamed Youssef, M. Orabi, and J. Abou Qahouq, (2010) ‘Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations for an LCC Resonant Inverter for the Railway Applications”, proceedings of the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 2010, APEC 2010, pp.1800-1803.
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and M. Orabi, and Ahmed Zobaa (2009)” A Cost Effective Fuel-cell for the Residential Power Applications,” Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and applications, EPE 2009, September 2009. Paper#34
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, Reham Haroon, and M. Orabi, (2009)” Stability study of PFC converters under nonlinear-carrier control and average-current-mode control,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Energy and Telecommunication, INTELEC 2009, Seoul, Korea, November 2009. (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and M. Orabi, (2008)” Sampled-data Modeling of a New Ultra-fast 48 Resonant Voltage Regulator Module: Experimental Validation,” Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2008, Dallas, USA, February 2008. pp. 1761-1766 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, Reham Haroon, and M. Orabi, (2008)” Stability performance of two-stage PFC converters under nonlinear-carrier control and average-current-mode control,” Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2008, Dallas, USA, February 2008. pp. 1389-1395 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, K. Woronowicz and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)” A Digitally Controlled 48V Voltage Regulator Module: Experimentation Study,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Energy and Telecommunication, INTELEC 2007, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 2007.pp.27-30
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)” Analysis and Design of A Novel Single-stage AC-DC with A New Active Current Mode Control,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2007, Florida, USA, June 2007.
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)” Analysis and Design of A Novel 48V LLC Resonant Voltage Regulator Module,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2007, Florida, USA, June 2007.
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)”Analysis and Design of A Single-stage AC-DC Resonant Converter with A New Current Mode Controller,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2007, Ottawa, Canada, April 2007. pp. 2189-2192 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)” A Novel Universal Front-end AC-DC Series-parallel Resonant Converter,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2007, Anaheim, USA, February 2007. pp. 773-793 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2007)” Design and Performance of A Novel 48V LLC Resonant Voltage Regulator Module,” published, Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2007, Anaheim, USA, February 2007. pp. 1113-1120 (Oral Presentation).
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” Modeling and Analysis of A Digitally Controlled Self-oscillating 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, IECON 2006, Paris, France, November 2006. pp. 554-601 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” A Digitally Controlled Self-oscillating 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Energy and Telecommunication, INTELEC 2006, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 2006. pp. 554-601 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” An Advanced Solution for the 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2006, Montreal, Canada, July 2006. pp. 1036-1041 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” A Novel 48V Resonant Voltage Regulator Module with A New Current Mode Controller,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2006, Jeju, Korea, June 2006. pp. 2555-2561 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” Sampled Data Model of the Digitally Controlled Resonant Converters with the Delay Effect,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2006, Jeju, Korea, June 2006. pp. 2226-2231 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)”Digitally Controlled Self-oscillating Resonant Converters: Modeling Issues,” Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2006, Ottawa, Canada, May 2006. pp. 2189-2192 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” Closed Loop Implementation and Design of a Novel Controller for the 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2006, Dallas, USA, March 2006. pp. 1113-1120 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2006)” Design and Experimentation of 48V Voltage Regulator Modules with a Novel Self-sustained Oscillation Controller,” Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2006, Dallas, USA, March 2006. pp. 15-23 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2005)” Performance of the Resonant Converters under the Self-sustained Oscillation Controller,” CD Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2005, Recife, Brazil, June 2005. pp. 1235-1241(Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2005)” Sampled Data Model for a Self-oscillating Series-parallel Resonant Converter with the Parasitic Effects in the Clamped and Unclamped Conduction Modes,” CD Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC 2005, Recife, Brazil , June 2005. pp. 255-261 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and Praveen K. Jain, (2005)” A Cost Effective Magnetic Design for a 900 kHz Voltage Regulator Module: Analysis and Experimentation,” CD Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2005, Saskatoon, Canada, May 2005. pp. 152-156 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, P. Jain, H. Pinheiro, and M. Orabi, (2005) “A Novel Single Stage AC/DC Self-Oscillating Series Parallel Resonant Converter,” Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC05), March 2005. pp. 1635-1641 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and Praveen K. Jain, (2004) “A Novel 48V Self-sustained Voltage Regulator Module: Performance and Design” Proceedings of the Queen’s Biennial Symposium on Communications, QSBC, May 2004. pp. 357-359 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “A New Ultra-Fast Variable Frequency Self-sustained Oscillation 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the Industrial Electronics Society Conference, IECON, November 2004. pp. 291-296(Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “Performance and Design of a Novel Constant Frequency 48V Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the Industrial Electronics Society Conference, IECON, November 2004. pp. 313-318 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “A Review and Performance Evaluation of the Control Techniques for Resonant Converters,” Proceedings of the Industrial Electronics Society Conference, IECON, November 2004. pp. 215-221(Invited paper) (IEEE Best Paper Award) (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “Design of a Front End Series-parallel Resonant Converter with Self-sustained Phase Shift Modulation Controller,” Proceedings of the International Conference of Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC, 2004. pp. 328-333 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “Performance, and Design of A Novel 48V Self-Sustained Voltage Regulator Module,” Proceedings of the International Conference of Telecommunications and Energy, INTELEC, September 2004. pp. 282-288 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and P. K. Jain, (2004) “Modeling Techniques of Resonant Converters: Merits and Demerits,” Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CCECE, Niagara Falls, May 2004. pp. 241-244 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, P. K. Jain and M. Orabi, (2004) “Investigation of Self-Excited Induction Generators for Wind Turbine Applications”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CCECE, May 2004. pp. 1853-1856 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, P. K. Jain, E. A. Mohamed and M. Orabi, (2004) “A Neuro Optimal Power System Stabilizer: A Comparative Study”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CCECE, May 2004.pp. 55-60 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. Jain, (2004)” A Reduced Order Sampled Data Model for A Hybrid Series-Parallel Resonant Converter,” Proceedings of the Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC, June 2004. pp. 2461-2467 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. Jain, (2004)” A Front End Self-Sustained LLC Resonant Converter,” Proceedings of the Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC, June 2004. pp. 3651-3656 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. Jain, (2004)” A New Ultra-fast 48V Voltage Regulator Module Part I: Sampled-Data Modeling,” Proceedings of the Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC, 2004. pp. 3690-3696 (Poster Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, (2004) “Self-Sustained Oscillation Series-Parallel Resonant Converter with the High Frequency Effects: Analysis, Modeling, and Design,” Proceedings of the Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2004, February 2004, Anaheim, California, USA. pp. 1416-1422 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, H. Pinheiro and P. K. Jain, (2003) “Analysis & Modeling of a Self-Sustained Oscillation Series-Parallel Resonant Converter with Capacitive Output Filter Using Sampled-Data Analytical Technique,” Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Telecommunications & Energy Conference, INTELEC 2003, Yokohama, Japan, October 2003. pp. 282-289 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, H. Pinheiro and P. K. Jain, (2003) “A Generalized Reduced Order Sampled-Data Dynamic Model of A Robust Controller Using Extended Describing Function Method for Series-Parallel Resonant Converter,” CD Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Power Electronics and applications, EPE 2003,Toulouse, France, September 2003. Paper#81 (Oral Presentation)
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, P. K. Jain, and E. A. Mohamed, (2003) “A Robust Power System Stabilizer Configuration Using Artificial Neural Network Based on Linear Optimal Control”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE03), May 2003. pp. 569-573. (Oral Presentation).
- Mohamed Z. Youssef, and E. A. Mohamed,” Design of a New Adaptive Power System Stabilizer using Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE Middle East Power Engineering Conference MEPCON, Feb. 2000. pp. 395-404
- M. Z. Youssef and P. K. Jain, “A Novel Generalized Sampled Data Dynamic Model for A Series-Parallel Resonant Converter under Self-Sustained Oscillation Mode PART I: Capacitive Output Filter,” Invited paper to the special issue on Power Electronics of the Scientific Journal of the Holon Academy, February 2005. pp. 12-30.
- UOIT; “Sola-Batt: Solar based iPhone 6 Power Supply”, UOIT invention disclosure form filled, Patent application underway. May 2015. Capstone work.
- UOIT; Patent application for the Monorail 300 High Voltage Junction Box in December 2013. Patent No. US 61/576,196. Filed by Bombardier Transportation Head Quarters in Berlin. Granted in November 2014. (https://patents.google.com/patent/US8798822)
- UOIT; Bombardier Patent Application of the Isolation Circuit for the High Voltage Box in the Monorail 300 series. (Filed in India and Brazil). July 2013.
- Bombardier internal patent “Secret Trade Document” for the efficiency improvement of the Linear Induction Motor”, February 2012.
ACE testing of the First Canadian Electric Vehicle in a KIA SOUL Mockup for InMotive
A production shot of the first multilevel inverter for Sky Train cars at Bombardier
A supervisory management system converter for the same metro inverter based on the CAN Bus protocol technology.
The same technology can be tailored to InMotive project.
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