Hossam Kishawy
BSc, MSc, Ph.D., PEng
Dean of Engineering and Professor
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Contact information
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5
Office: ERC 4036
905.721.8668 ext. 2810
905.721.3370 (fax)
Research topics
- Manufacturing
- High-Speed Machining
- Modeling and Optimization
- Finite Element Modelling
- Residual Stresses and Stress Analysis
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, 1998M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, USA, 1994
B.Sc. with Honors, Production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, 1990
- Manufacturing processes
- Mechanical Vibration
- Dynamics
- Material Science
- Strength of Material
- Manufacturing System and Design (Technical Elective)
- Principles of Metal Cutting (Technical Elective)
- Machine tools Dynamics (Graduate course)
- Numerical Control of Machines (Technical Elective)
Publications and presentations
Parker, G., Kishawy, H.A., Self-Propelled Rotary Tool, US Patent, publication number US 9,511,420 B2, Dec 6, 2016.
Books and Chapters
- Kishawy & Husseini, "Machining of Difficult to Cut Materials" Springer, Series Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology, ISBN 978-3-319-95966-5, 2018.
- "Self-Propelled Rotary tool" CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 2018.
- Chapter 8 "Lean Manufacturing" in Modern Manufacturing Engineering by J. P. Davim (Editor), SPRINGER. Pp. 249-270, ISBN 978-3-319-20152-8, 2015.
- Chapter 2 "Cutting tool materials and tool wear" in Machining of Titanium Alloys by J. P. Davim (Editor), SPRINGER. Pp. 31-56, ISBN 978-3-662-43901-2, 2014.
- Chapter 3 "Machinability of Titanium and Its Alloys" Machinability of Advanced Materials, Edited by J. Paulo Davim, ISBN: 9781848213968, Wiley, Hardback, 2014.
- Chapter 2, "Turning of Composites" in "Machining Technology of Composite Materials: Principles and Practice" Edited by H Hocheng, Woodhead Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-0-85709-030-0, 2012.
- Chapter 15 "Analyzing the Machinability of Metal Matrix Composites" in "Machining Technology of Composite Materials: Principles and Practice" Edited by H Hocheng, Woodhead Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-0-85709-030-0, 2012.
Selected Journal Papers
- Hegab, H., Kishawy, H. A., Umer, U., Mohany, A., (2019), "A model for machining with nano-additives based minimum quantity lubrication," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5-8), pp. 2013-2028.
- Hegab, H. Kishawy, H. A., Darras, B., (2019), "Sustainable cooling and lubrication strategies in machining processes: A comparative study," Procedia Manufacturing, 33, pp. 786-793.
- Massoom, Z. F., Kishawy, H. A., (2019), "Prediction of critical thrust force generated at the onset of delamination in machining carbon reinforced composites," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103(5), pp. 2751-2759.
- Kishawy, H. A., Hegab, H., Umer, U., Mohany, A., (2018), "Application of acoustic emissions in machining processes: Analysis and critical review," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 98(5-8), pp. 1391-1407.
- Hegab, H., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "Towards sustainable machining of Inconel 718 using nano-fluid minimum quantity lubrication," Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2(3), pp. 50.
- Hegab, H., Umer, U., Soliman, M., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "Effects of nano-cutting fluids on tool performance and chip morphology during machining Inconel 718," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 96(9-12), pp. 3449-3458.
- Kishawy, H. A., Hegab, H., Saad, E., (2018), "Design for sustainable manufacturing: Approach, implementation, and assessment," Sustainability, 10(10), pp. 3604.
- Fattahi, Z., Hegab, H., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "Analytical prediction of delamination during drilling composite laminates," Procedia Manufacturing, 26, pp. 237-244.
- Eltaggaz, A., Hegab, H., Deiab, I., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "Hybrid nano-fluid-minimum quantity lubrication strategy for machining austempered ductile iron (ADI)," International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 12(4), pp. 1273-1281.
- Pervaiz, S., Kannan, S., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "An extensive review of the water consumption and cutting fluid based sustainability concerns in the metal cutting sector," Journal of Cleaner Production, 197(1), pp. 134-153.
- Yussefian, N. Z., Hosseini, A., Hosseinkhani, K., Kishawy, H. A., (2018), "Design for manufacturing of variable microgeometry cutting tools," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140(1), pp. 011014.
- Nasr, M. N. A., Ghandehariun, A., Kishawy, H. A., (2017), "A physics-based model for MMCs deformation during machining: A modified constitutive equation," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 139(1), pp. 0011003-8.
- Barari, A., Kishawy, H. A., Kaji, F., Elbestawi, M. A., (2017), "On the surface quality of additive manufactured parts," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89, pp. 1969-1974.
- Aramesh, M., Attia, M., Kishawy, H. A., Balazinski, M., (2017), "Observation of a unique wear morphology of CBN inserts during machining of titanium metal matrix composites (Ti-MMCs): Leading to new insights into their machinability," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92(1-4), pp. 519-530.
Selected Public Non-refereed Presentations
- Sustainable Manufacturing: Opportunities and Challenges, AEAS 46th, Annual Conference, 2019.
- Higher Education in Transformation Canada Irland-Chile: Comparative Panel on Engineering, Oshawa, Canada, 2016.
- Engineering and Public Policy: Expand the Engineering degree, expand the opportunity, Canadian Academy of Engineering annual meeting, Hamilton, Canada, 2016.
- Meeting the outcome based Accreditation Criteria for Engineering Program. Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, Calgary, Canada, 2014.
- Advanced Vehicle Energy Concepts and Structures for China (AVECS), Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Centre of Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2014.
- Advanced Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing Event, Oshawa, Canada, 2009.