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Health and safety

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) treats health and safety in highest priority. All of our classrooms and laboratories are equipped with the appropriate safety equipment, and comply with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and with faculty and university safety policies and procedures.

Through careful planning, identification and assessment of risks and the institution of proper control measures, we strive to create a safe and healthy work and study environment for our students, faculty and staff.


    The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has an informal Health and Safety Committee, which monitors health and safety issues within the faculty and co-ordinates with the university’s Health and Safety Committee in carrying out routine inspection, situational inspection, preventive maintenance, implementation of safety policies, promotion of safety procedures and other related subjects. 

    The faculty Health and Safety Committee consists of one co-ordinator from our faculty members and one co-ordinator from our faculty’s technical support staff. The contact information of our faculty health and safety co-ordinators can be found on our Health and Safety Faculty Contacts page.


    The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Health and Safety Coordinators are as follows:

    Govind Rehal
    ENG 1023
    905.721.8668 ext. 3526

    Sharman Perera
    ERC 4027
    905.721.8668 ext. 5505


    The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) together with the university’s Health and Safety Committee has implemented safety policies, programs and procedures that are most applicable to our fast-growing and dynamic academic environment. We are continually acquiring leading-edge equipment and technologies.

    Our safety policies and procedures are described in the FEAS Safety Manual. The manual is reviewed and updated on an on-going basis.

    FEAS also has policies and safety protocols for teaching and research laboratories, which have been approved by the university’s Health and Safety Committee and are described in the Engineering Laboratory Policies and Safety Protocols Reference Manual. FEAS health and safety manuals and documents include:

    Laboratory instructors and students are expected to read the safety protocols and policies outlined in this reference manual before they use the laboratory facilities

    Specialized training programs will be provided when situations or equipment require such training. The general training programs include the following:

    • General Safety Orientation
    • WHMIS - General Purpose
    • WHMIS - Laboratory Purpose
    • Handling Flammable and Combustible Materials
    • Laboratory Hazards and Their Control
    • Handling Radioactive Materials
    • Handling Biohazardous Infectious Materials

    Our students are required to read, understand and follow the safety policies and protocols outlined in the Engineering Laboratory Policies and Safety Protocols Reference Manual prior to conducting their laboratory work. Students are required to complete a Safety Acknowledgement Form prior to working in laboratories to confirm they are aware of the engineering laboratory policies and safety protocols and their importance.