Mohamd Imad
Alumnus, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Manufacturing Engineering (2018), Master of Applied Science (MASc.) in Mechanical Engineering (2021)

There is no set career path for engineering students, whether that be in industry, research, or academia, an engineering degree sets you up for a future with unlimited possibilities. Engineering Alumnus Mohamd Imad, who did both his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Ontario Tech, hopes to use his skills in Manufacturing and Mechanical engineering to contribute to the industry by working within the research and development field of mechanical components. “Engineering is an important field that is constantly contributing to the development of our society”, says Mohamd, “It is full of challenges and has countless potentials for optimization and innovation”.
Mohamd was originally inspired to do his MASc. after his team finished 1st place in the Engineering and Applied Science Capstone Design Exhibition in his final year of studies as an Engineering Undergraduate student. The Capstone Design is an opportunity for final year engineering students to demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge they have gained throughout the entirety of their program. It is an eight-month effort to devise innovative solutions to real-world problems. At the end of the second semester, students showcase their research and discoveries at the annual FEAS Capstone Exhibition and Competition.
Since successfully defending his MASc. in January, Mohamd has been hard at work teaching the next generation of engineering students at both Ontario Tech as a Teaching Assistant, and as a Faculty member at Fleming College. “I have witnessed Mohamd’s growth since he started as an undergraduate student at Ontario Tech. During his B.A.Sc., Mohamd attended a 16-month Internship, which provided him with the opportunity to gain industrial experience, enhanced his problem-solving skills, and contributed to his passion in pursuing a graduate degree”, says Dr. Ali Hosseini, his MASc. Supervisor. “I truly enjoyed witnessing his academic progress and I strongly believe he will make great contributions to the engineering field, wherever his future takes him”.