George Bereznai
Professor Emeritus
Department of Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Contact information
Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre (ERC)
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
- PhD, Department of Electrical Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 1972
- Master of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 1969
- Bachelor of Engineering, (First-class Honours) Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Adelaide, South Australia 1967
Courses taught
- Nuclear Plant Systems and Operation;
- Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Technology;
- Nuclear Plant Design and Simulation;
- Nuclear Plant Operation; and
- Nuclear Power Systems
Research and expertise
- Computer control of nuclear power plants;
- Educational technology; and
- Real-time simulation.
Selected publications
- Bereznai, G. and Rizk, K., “Application of Classroom Simulators in the Training of Managers at CANDU Plants”, Accepted for publication for the 7th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation in Nuclear Science and Engineering (7ICMSNSE), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 18-21, 2015.
- Bereznai, G., Froats, J. and Harvel, G., “Graduate Diploma Program in Nuclear Engineering Design”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Conference on Nuclear Training and Education (CONTE 2015), Jacksonville, Florida, February 1-4, 2015.
- Bereznai, G., Cornett, G. and Nivi, H., “Advanced Operations Overview for Managers Training Program”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Conference on Nuclear Training and Education (CONTE 2013), Jacksonville, Florida, February 3-6, 2013.
- Bereznai, G., Froats, J. and Harvel, G., “Ontario Experience in Education and Training: A Utility-University Partnership”, Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference (ENC-2012), Manchester, UK, December 2012.
- Bereznai, G., “University Education and Research Focusing on the Nuclear Industry”, Presented at the Third Annual Nuclear Symposium, Toronto, May 2012.
- Bereznai, G., “Advanced Operations Overview for Managers (AOOM) - Training versus Education” Presented at the Canadian Nuclear Society Workshop on Nuclear Education and Outreach (NEO-2011), Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 9, 2011.
- Bereznai, G. and Tarren, P., “Post-Secondary Education and Utility Partnership in Ontario”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Conference on Nuclear Training and Education (CONTE 2011), Jacksonville, Florida, February 6-9, 2011.
- Bereznai, G., “A Comprehensive Program of Degrees and Diplomas for Canada’s Nuclear Industry”, Proceedings of the Canadian Nuclear Society Workshop on Nuclear Education and Outreach (NEO-2010), Calgary, Alberta, June 20-22, 2010.
- Bereznai, G. and Perera, S., “Academic Design of Canada’s Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre”, Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference (ENC-2010), Barcelona, Spain, May 3- - June 3, 2010.
- Bereznai, G., “The Role of Education in Manpower Development for Nuclear Power Programmes”, Proceedings of the IAEA International Conference on Human Resource Development for Introducing and Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 2010.
- Bereznai, G., “Nuclear Education and Manpower Development”, Atoms for Peace: An International Journal, Vol. 2, Num. 4, pages: 313 – 323, 2009.
- Bereznai, G., “Graduate Diplomas in Nuclear Technology”, Proceedings of the Canadian Nuclear Society Annual Conference, Paper #23, Calgary, Alberta, May 31 – June 3, 2009.
- Bereznai, G., “Nuclear Education and Manpower Development”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technology in the GCC Countries, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 3-5, 2008.
- Bereznai, G. and Garland, Wm., “New Postgraduate Programs in Nuclear Engineering to Meet the Needs of the Canadian Nuclear Industry”, Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (16PBNC), Aomori, Japan, Oct. 13-18, 2008, Paper ID P16P1343.
- Bereznai, G. and Muirhead, Wm., “The Use of Mobile Learning Technology in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Programs at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology”, Proceedings of the European Nuclear Society’s conference on nuclear Engineering Science and Technology (NESTet 2008), Budapest, Hungary, May 4-8, 2008.
- Bereznai, G., “The Role of Nuclear Engineering Education in Public Acceptance and Confidence Building in Canada”, Presented at the International Symposium on Nuclear Energy (SIEN’07), Bucharest, Romania, October 15-19, 2007.
- Bereznai, G., “Nuclear Undergraduate Programs at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology”, Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia, October 15-20, 2006.
- Bereznai, G., “Start-up of a Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Honours Degree Program in Canada”, Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, pp. 918-924, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 21-25, 2004.
- Bereznai, G., “Undergraduate Degree Programs in Radiation Science and Health Physics at Canada’s Newest University”, Proceedings of the Canadian Radiation Protection Association’s Annual Conference, Kananaskis, Alberta, May 25-29, 2003.
- Bereznai, G., “Distance Learning/Teaching of Nuclear Power Plant Operation”, Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Shenzhen, China, October 21-25, 2002.
- Bereznai, G., “Planning a Four-Year Undergraduate Degree Program in Nuclear Engineering”, Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Training and Education,Orlando, Florida, USA, August 18 – 21, 2002.
- Bereznai, G. and Garland, W., “Nuclear Education and Training in the Internet Age”, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 2001.
- Chanyotha, S. and Bereznai, G., “Self-paced Learning for Nuclear Engineering Students”, Proceedings of the8th Nuclear Science and Technology Conference, pp. 219-229, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2001.
- Bereznai, G., Chankow, N. and Chanyotha, S., “Distributed Education for Nuclear Engineers” Keynote Address, Proceedings of the4th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 89-92, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2001.
- Muncharoen, C., Chanyotha, S., and Bereznai, G., "Interactive Real-time Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Emergency Core Cooling System on Desktop Computer". Proceedings of the 7th Nuclear Science and Technology Conference, pp.128-136, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1998.
- Sumitra, T., Chankow, N., Bradley, K. and Bereznai, G., “The Thai-Canadian Nuclear Human Resources Development Linkage Project”, Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Banff, Canada, May 1998.
- Bereznai, G., “Teaching CANDU Operations Overview with a PC-Based Simulator”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Training Operators and Safety Operations of NPPs, Beijing, China, September 1997.
- Bereznai, G., Sumitra, T., Chankow, A. and Pattarasumunt, A., “Interactive Real-Time System Simulation - A Key Element of the Electronic Classroom”. Proceedings of the 5th Triennial International Conference on Engineering Education of the Association for Engineering Education in South East Asia and the Pacific, Manila, Philippines, August 1997.
- Bereznai, G., Sumitra, T., Chankow, N. and Chanyotha, S., “Application of Power Plant Simulator in Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention and Conference of the Australian Association for Engineering Education, pp. 315-319, Sydney, Australia, December 1996.
- Bereznai, G., Sumitra, T., Chankow, N. and Chanyotha, S. “A Nuclear Engineering Curriculum for Asia-Pacific”. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, pp. 952-959, Kobe, Japan, October 1996.
- Bereznai, G., “Performance Management of Nuclear Training Simulators”.Proceedings of the 1st Joint Conference of Simulation Societies, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1994.
- Bereznai, G., “Ontario Hydro’s Experience with Simulator Maintenance and Upgrades to Meet Training Requirements”, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Latin American Section of the American Nuclear Society, Veracruz, Mexico, June 1992.
- Bereznai, G., Burns. And Hancock, G., “Technical Requirements for Simulator-Based Testing of Candidates for Authorization”, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Saint John, New Brunswick, June 1992.
- Grabish, M., MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “A Micro-Computer Simulation to Train Operators for a Tritium Removal Facility”, Proceedings of the Annual Summer Conference of the Computer Simulation Society, Montreal, Canada, July 1987.
- MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “A Computerized Gas Release Plume Tracking System – An Emergency Planning and Operations Aid”, Proceedings of the 1987 Multi-conference of the Computer Simulation Society, San Diego, USA, January 1987.
- MacBeth, M., Bereznai, G. and D’Angelo, V., “The Application of Microsimulation to Operator Training for a Computerized Reactor Regulating System”, Proceedings of the IEE International Conference on Simulators, University of Warwick, UK, September 1986.
- Bereznai, G. and MacBeth, M., “CAL Applications for Nuclear Plant Operators”, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Instrumentation Technology, Ottawa, Canada, May 1986.
- MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “The Microsimulation of a CANDU Negative Pressure Containment System”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Simulation of Reactor Dynamics and Plant Control, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- Garbish, M., MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “Microsimulation of a Nuclear Steam Generator and its Use in Operator Training” Proceedings of the Compint’85 Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 1985.
- Bereznai, G., Ryder, J. and Woodhead, L., “Manpower Development and Man-Machine Interface – Practice in Canada”, Proceedings of the 5th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 1985.
- Moya, R., Cook, B. and Bereznai, G., “Commissioning of Full-Scope Nuclear Generating Station Simulators to Verify Training Requirements”, Proceedings of the Conference on Simulators, March 1985.
- MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “Computer-Based Training Considerations”, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference of the Computer Simulation Society, Boston, USA, July 1984.
- Bereznai, G. and MacBeth, M., “Micro-Simulation for Nuclear Generating Station Operator Training”, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference of the Computer Simulation Society, Boston, USA, July 1984.
- MacBeth, M. and Bereznai, G., “Computer-Based Training”, Proceedings of the CEA Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 1984.
- Bereznai, G., “The Use of Full-Scope Simulators and Computer-Assisted Training at Ontario Hydro”, Proceedings of the IAEA Specialists’ Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Training Simulators, Otaniemi, Finland, September 1983.
- Bereznai, G., “Ontario Hydro’s Training Simulator Program for Nuclear Generating Stations”, Proceedings of the 10th IMACS World Congress on System Simulation and Scientific Computation”, Montréal, Canada, 1982 August 8-13.
- Bereznai, G. and Lieberman, R., “Instructor Facility Tools to Evaluate Trainee Performance on CANDU Simulators”, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 687-692, July 1981.
- Bereznai, G., “Experience with the Pickering Training Simulator”, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 850-855, July 1979.
- Chou, Q., Stokes, H., Bereznai, G. and White, L., “Modelling and Dynamic Performance of the Pickering Simulator”, Proceedings of the IAEA/NPPCI Specialists’ Meeting, Studswick, Sweden, October 1976.
- Stokes, H., Sambhi, A., Chou, Q., Bereznai, G. and White, L., “Designing the First CANDU Training Simulator”, Proceedings of the IAEA/NPPCI Specialists’ Meeting, Studswick, Sweden, October 1976.
- Chou, Q., de Ruyter, M. and Bereznai, G., “Development of a Low-Cost Spatial CANDU Reactor Simulation Program for Power Plant Control Studies”, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 1975.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “Application of Optimum Low-order Models to the Adaptive Control of Nuclear Reactors”. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC World Congress, Paris, France, June 1972.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “An Inverse Approach to Computer-Aided Feedback System Design”. Proceedings of the 5th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, January 1972.
- Bereznai, G and Sinha, N., “Adaptive Control of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems using Optimal Low-order Models”. Proceedings of the IEEE Decision and Control Conference, Miami, Florida, December 1971.
- Sinha, N. and Bereznai, G., “Optimum Approximation of High-order Systems by Low-order Models”. International Journal of Control, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 951-960, November 1971.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “System Identification Using Search Routines”. Proceedings of the Fifth Asilomar Conference on Circuits and Systems, November 1971.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “Adaptive Control of Nuclear Reactors using a Digital Computer”. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. NS-18, pp. 387-397, August 1971.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “Computer-aided Design of Suboptimal Feedback Controllers using Optimal Low-order Models”. Electronics Letters, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 440-442, July 1971.
- Bereznai, G., “Suboptimum Control of Power Transients in Nuclear Reactors”. Presented at the ANS Niagara-Finger Lakes Section Student Conference, the State University of New York at Buffalo, March 1971.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “A New Minimax Objective for Automated Design”.Electronics Letters, vol. 6, no. 26, pp. 847-849, December 1970.
- Bereznai, G. and Sinha, N., “Adaptive Control and Identification of Nuclear Reactors”. Proceedings of the 2nd Prague IFAC Symposium on Identification and Process Parameter Estimation, pp. 6.7.1-6.7.7, Czechoslovakia, June 1970.
- Bereznai, G., “A Modern Approach to Nuclear Reactor Control”, Presented at the ANS Niagara-Finger Lakes Section Student Conference, Toronto, May 1970.
Selected honours, awards and affiliations
- Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation - Chair (2012-2014);
- Fellow of the Canadian Nuclear Society (2012)
- University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering - Board Member (2003-2013);
- Canadian Nuclear Association - Board Member (2003-2006);
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Workshop Director and Instructor, 2007;
- Outstanding Contribution Award by the Canadian Nuclear Society/ Canadian Nuclear Association, 2005 and;
- New Business Ventures Excellence Award ‘on the basis of outstanding contribution to Ontario Hydro's international business activities’, 1991.