Sanaa Alwidian
BSc, MSc, PhD (uOttawa)
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Contact information
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5
Office: SIR 3383
905.721.8668 ext. 7340
905.721.3370 (fax)
Research topics
- Software Engineering
- Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering
- Model-based System Engineering
- Software Evolution and Analysis
- AI and its application to Software Engineering
- Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Natural Language Processing
- PhD in Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
- M.Sc. in Computer Science, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 2009.
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 2007
- Natural Foundations for Information Technology- SOFE 2850U (undergraduate course)
Publications and presentations
Conference Proceedings
- Alwidian, S., Dhaouadi, M., and Famelis, M., 2020. A Vision Towards A Conceptual Basis for the Systematic Treatment of Uncertainty in Goal Modelling. In 12th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM’20),pp. 139-142.
- Alwidian, S and Amyot, D., 2020. “Union is Power”: Analyzing Families of Goal Models using Union Models. Proceedings of the 23 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS’20), pp. 252–262.
- Alwidian, S. and Amyot, D., 2019. Union Models: Support for Efficient Reasoning about Model Families over Space and Time. In 11th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM’19) (pp. 200-218). Springer, Cham.
- Alwidian, S., and Amyot, D., Babin G., 2017. Evaluating the Potential of Technology in Justice Systems Using Goal Modeling. E-Technologies: Embracing the Internet of Things (MCETECH 2017), (pp. 185-202). Springer. (Best Paper Award).
- Khamayseh, Y., Darwish, O., and Wedian, S., 2009. MA-AODV: Mobility Aware Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In 2009 Fourth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications. (pp:20-25). IEEE.
- Abuein Q., Najadat. H., Wedian, S., and Alzoubi. D., 2009. A New Efficient KEA Based Approach for E-mail Spam Detection. The International Arab Conference on Information Technology, University of Science and Technology (ACIT'2009), Yemen, December 15-17th 2009.
- Alwidian, S. and Amyot, D., 2019. Inferring Metamodel Relaxations Based on Structural Patterns to Support Model Families. In 13th Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME 2019), (pp. 294-303). IEEE.
- Alwidian, S., 2017. Modeling Language Evolution for Model Family Support. Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium at the 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference of Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2017 (MODELS 2017), (pp. 492-495). IEEE.
- Alwidian, S., and Amyot, D., 2017. Metamodels Relaxation for Model Family Support. 11th Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME 2017), CEUR-WS Vol. 2019, (pp. 64-60).
- Alwidian, S. and Amyot D., 2015. Towards systems for increased access to justice using goal modeling. 2015 IEEE Eighth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW) (pp. 33-36). IEEE.
- Abdelzad, V., Amyot, D., Alwidian, S., and Timothy Lethbridge, 2015. A Textual Syntax with Tool Support for the Goal-Oriented Requirement Language. 8th International i* Workshop (iStar@RE 2015). (pp. 61-66). CEUR-WS.