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Reverse Career Fair

The Reverse Career Fair is an event for  students who are interested in co-op or internship opportunities, or new graduates getting a head start on finding a job for when they graduate. 


How it works:

The Reverse Career Fair is different from your traditional Career Fair; employers are there to talk to you, not the other way around! To participate, students will set up a booth and employers will come to you! Students are encouraged to bring a project or display, which is a great way to start a conversation and show employers what they are passionate about. It is a great opportunity to gain interview experience, discover employers you hadn't heard of before, and make professional connections.

Event Information

Click here for more information about Reverse Career Fair!


Volunteer for this event!

Are you a first-year engineering student that would like to find out more about the Reverse Career Fair?  Please email to volunteer at the event.

Reverse Career Fair Prep Day

Students interested in attending the Reverse Career Fair are invited to the Reverse Career Fair Prep Day. Learn more about participating in co-op and internship and talk to past participants for tips and advice.  Gain key networking and interview skills to shine at the Reverse Career Fair.  

The Reverse Career Fair Prep Day takes place on a Saturday in September.  Please check the Student Life Portal under “Events and Workshops” to register.

Even if you haven’t registered for the Reverse Career Fair yet, you are encouraged to attend this event to help you prepare.

 The prep session will help you to:

  • Articulate and communicate your knowledge and skills.
  • Be prepared to actively participate and engage with employers in the Reverse Career Fair.
  • Be able to produce an industry standard resume and cover letter.
  • Gain skills and develop competency needed to build relationships with employers.
  • Understand how to create a display


Registration is required through the Student Life Portal under "Events and Workshops."