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Automotive Centre of Excellence

A red car being tested in the Automotive Centre of Excellence

 The Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE) is the first climatic testing and research centre of its kind in Canada, and in many respects, the world. This multi-purpose, 16,300-square-metre facility, is owned and operated by our university as a truly independent, commercial operation. ACE was developed in partnership with the university, General Motors of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Government of Canada and the Partners for Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE).

This core research facility offers a range of full-sized test chambers that allow for full climatic, structural durability and lifecycle testing.

This core research facility offers a range of full-sized test chambers that allow for full climatic, structural durability and lifecycle testing.

The signature test chamber is one of the largest and most sophisticated climatic wind tunnels in the world, featuring a large yawing chassis dynamometer (road simulator) that can, for the first time anywhere, test properties in crosswinds. Among the other chambers is a climatic four-post shaker that can test a vehicle’s ability to handle a wide range of unique road conditions, such as Arctic and high desert conditions.

This integrated research and training facility spans five floors with dedicated space for research, education and training. This facility is fostering an environment for collaboration between industry, researchers and students that drives innovative automotive research and engineering. Our university offers unique research programs that are finding new solutions to automotive problems and educating future engineers to advance the frontiers of research and transform the automotive industry.

To get more news and facts about this research facility, please visit the ACE website.