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  • Faculty Council

    The Faculty Council is responsible for the academic governance and approval of new programs and courses, policies of and admissions to the faculty, academic standards, curriculum and degree requirements and long-range academic planning. Faculty Council is established by the university’s Academic Council and operates under delegated authority from the Academic Council.

    The rules, procedures, membership and other details regarding Faculty Council are outlined in the appropriate section of the university’s Administrative Code. The Chair of the Faculty Council is identified to be the Dean or their designate.

    A majority of the members of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) must be licensed engineers in Canada. If the normal procedures used to establish the membership of Faculty Council result in a membership that does not include a majority of engineers licensed in Canada, the Chair of Faculty Council will recommend sufficient members of Faculty Council to be non-voting members, so as to ensure that a majority of voting members of Faculty Council are licensed engineers in Canada.

    Only non-licensed faculty members would be subject to becoming non-voting members of the Faculty Council. The recommendation will be voted upon by the faculty members who are licensed professional engineers in FEAS.

    Meetings are scheduled at a minimum of once per quarter, or at the discretion of the Council Chair.

  • Faculty council executive committee

    In addition to the Faculty Council, Academic Council has mandated an Executive Committee of the Faculty. The responsibilities of the committee are to:

    • Organize the regular ongoing business of the Faculty Council, including the preparation of the agenda for all regular and special Council meetings and for faculty meetings and retreats.
    • Exercise the powers of Faculty Council for what are normally considered routine administrative matters.
    • Receive and review reports and recommendations from Faculty Committees prior to their submission to the Faculty Council at its regular meetings. This includees oversight to ensure any matters pertaining to undergraduate programs meet the standards required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.
    • Present to the Faculty Council, normally at the last regular meeting in June of the academic year, a list of members for Faculty Committees for the coming year.
    • Make recommendations to the Faculty Council as may be necessary regarding the establishment of Ad-Hoc Committees of Faculty Council.
    • Serve as the Advisory Committee to the Dean.
    • Collect nominations and volunteers each year by the first week of June from faculty members for membership on the standing committees in the following academic year. The Dean subsequently appoints committee memberships, which are brought to Faculty Council for information.
  • Faculty Meetings

    Faculty meetings provide the forum for dealing with matters that relate specifically to the management of the faculty, programs, personnel and resources. They are less formal in structure than Faculty Council meetings, although minutes are recorded, and it is possible for items to be approved as long as they relate to faculty management. Meetings are held at the discretion of the dean and provide an opportunity for issues to be discussed with faculty members.

  • Department Council

    The faculty is currently organized into three departments, and corresponding to these, there are three Department Councils:

    1. Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering (AME)
    2. Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (ECSE)
    3. Energy and Nuclear Engineering (ENE)
    4. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME)

    The responsibilities of the Department Councils are to:

    • Co-ordinate the software and IT requirements for student needs in the program. This includes planning for the acquisition of software, discussing the requests by faculty members in the programs, and maintaining an up-to-date inventory of software and its usage.
    • Ensure that all programs and program changes meet the standards required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and to coordinate the collection of materials as needed for CEAB accreditation purposes.
    • Make recommendations for effective operation of the undergraduate teaching labs.
    • Make recommendations on all types of resources, including space, staffing and areas of future hiring for faculty members.
    • Make recommendations on matters involving academic probation and suspension, including policies on how to improve the academic performance of students on probation or suspension.
    • Make recommendations to graduate committee with respect to new graduate programs or courses, and modifications of graduate programs or courses, regarding quality, learning strategies and any other program-related requirements.
    • Make recommendations with respect to policy matters pertaining to the quality, standards and offering of courses and undergraduate program delivery.
    • Monitor student performance issues and make recommendations pertaining to procedures and guidelines aimed at improving academic performance of undergraduate students in the programs.