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Engineering Students' Society

The Engineering Students' Society, or ENGSOC, is the representative student body for all undergraduate full-time students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS). They provide funding for engineering clubs and groups, organizes professional development, extracurricular and sports events.



2022/2023 Executive Team

  • Natasha N - President
  • Emily Lai - VP Finance
  • Ava Dikbikian - VP Academic
  • Subekcha Thapa - VP Social
  • Alina Mathew - VP Internal
  • Aaranan K - VP External
  • Ayesha Khan - VP Marketing and Design 

Get Involved:

If students want to be directly involved in planning and offering advice to make the Engineering Society better, you can sign up to be an ambassador under one of the Vice Presidents. You can also join us at any of our events! If you have any questions, please email us at


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