Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find some of our most frequently asked questions about the Co-Op and Internship program. Don't see your question listed here, or need some more information? You can contact:
Candace Chard
Co-op and Internship Officer
Tel: 905.721.8668 x5702
Janette Banga
Co-op and Internship Officer
Tel: 905.721.8668 x3599
Or drop in and visit us in ACE 2010.
General Questions
What's the difference between a co-op and a co-op internship?
Co-op allows students to gain valuable work experience while pursuing their undergraduate degree. It is a form of experiential learning that integrates academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace.
A Co-op work term is a duration of 4 months. A 4-month co-op is often served in the summer period between years of undergraduate study; however, a Co-op can occur in any academic term. In a Co-op term, a student will acquire an appreciation of company culture and management structure and have the chance to apply academic theory in a practical setting.
A Co-op Internship consists of several co-op work terms back-to-back. A Co-op Internship can be 8, 12, or 16 months in length. The extended work term provides an opportunity to take on long-term projects and become fully integrated as a contributing member of the team.
What year of study do I need to be in to participate in a Co-op?
Students must have competed second year and the Professional Competencies for Engineers course (ENGR 1000W) to participate in a Co-op position.
How long can I participate in a co-op?
Work terms can be a duration of 4, 8, 12, or 16-months. The maximum duration is 16 months. A 16-month co-op can only begin in May. If students start a co-op in September or January, the maximum duration of a co-op is 12 months. Students must return to full-time studies after completing the maximum co-op duration.
How can I get the Co-op designation on my degree parchment?
Students must successfully complete three co-op work terms (12 months) to graduate with the co-op designation on their degree parchment.
What GPA level must I have to participate in a co-op?
Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3.
As an international student, am I eligible for co-op?
Yes! You will need a social insurance card to accept co-op employment and a co-op work permit. Discuss participation with the International Office to ensure you have all the paperwork in place.
Can I apply to positions that I see advertised outside of Ontario Tech co-op/internship portal?
Yes! You are encouraged to seek your own opportunities that best suit your employment interests. The Engineering Co-Op Office is available to assist you with contacting new employers to promote the Ontario Tech program. New co-op opportunities will need to be reviewed/approved by the Faculty to ensure the skills reflect engineering skill development and meet accreditation guidelines.
What if I have accepted an offer and find a position that is more preferable or has a higher salary? Can I accept that position?
No. Once you have accepted one Co-Op or Internship position, you can no longer apply or interview for other positions for that term(s). If an employer enquires about your eligibility, we will inform them that you have already taken employment elsewhere. It is unprofessional and can ruin your reputation with a company if you accept an offer and later reject it for another opportunity. It can also affect the reputation of the Ontario Tech Engineering Co-Op and Internship program and the University.
Can I take courses while in a co-op?
Students can request to take ONE course while on a co-op work term. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 to request to take a course and cannot take the capstone. Approval must be obtained from your co-op employer and the Faculty by completing a Co-op Course Approval Form.
How do I find my unofficial transcript?
Many companies will ask for an unofficial transcript during the recruitment process. This can be found on your MyOntarioTech account. Click on “Current Students”, scroll down to “Student Records” and click on Unofficial Academic Transcript .
What if I am stressed and have difficulty performing in the position?