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First-Year Engineering Success Program

As a first-year engineering student, you may experience academic difficulties because of the demanding nature of many of the courses and challenges in adapting to university life. This program can help you succeed in first year and, as a consequence, do well in your remaining studies.

The program also enables you to spread the demanding workload over a longer period, providing more time to better understand the course material.

The program can help you overcome three of the main barriers to success:


Some fall-term courses (Calculus I and Physics I) are prerequisites for the winter-term courses Calculus II and Physics II. If you fail Calculus I or Physics I, or have not taken either course, you are not allowed to register in Calculus II and/or Physics II. You would typically need to spend one more year to complete all the required first-year calculus and physics courses.
A significant number of second-year engineering program courses have first-year calculus and physics courses, as well as Linear Algebra, Chemistry and Introduction to Programming, as prerequisites. Consequently, If you fail or are missing these first-year courses, you would not be able to register in some second-year courses and would have to extend your studies by one or two years.

Academic standing and grade point average (GPA)

If you receive a low GPA in your first year, you will have a hard time improving your cumulative GPA throughout your academic career and can subsequently have problems with academic standing. The program provides you with an opportunity to increase your first-year GPA and possibly avoid future difficulties with academic standing.

Preparation for and performance in upper years

The first-year courses normally lay the groundwork for studies in subsequent years. If you do not do well in the first year, you may have a hard time in more advanced courses.

By allowing you to retake unsuccessful first-year courses, or by spreading your first-year courses over three terms (fall, winter and spring), the program provides you with a stronger foundation, vital to your future success.


  • Course Schedule

    The second offering of courses are available according to the following schedule and are subject to sufficient enrolment:

    Winter semester

    • ENGR 1015U: Introduction to Engineering
    • MATH 1010U: Calculus I
    • PHY 1010U: Physics I

    Spring/Summer semester

    • CHEM 1800U: Chemistry for Engineers
    • ENGR 1200U: Introduction to Programming
    • ENGR 1025U: Engineering Design
    • MATH 1020U: Calculus II
    • MATH 1850U: Linear Algebra for Engineers
    • PHY 1020U: Physics II

    At the end of the fall semester, if you have failed or are missing Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 1015U), Calculus I (MATH 1010U) or Physics I (PHY 1010U) you are encouraged to take the course(s) during the winter semester. If you are on academic warning, you will have to repeat some courses as required. In the summer, Calculus II (MATH 1020U) and Physics II (PHY 1020U) are offered, along with the other above-noted first-year courses.

  • Fees

    There are no additional fees for the program, but standard tuition fees still apply for the courses taken in both the winter and spring/summer semesters. It is your responsibility to pay your full student fees by the date specified by the Office of the Registrar. You should contact the Office of the Registrar for more information on tuition fees.

  • Evaluation of academic standing for first-year engineering success program students

    If you register and complete the program courses, you will have your academic standings re-evaluated. This re-evaluation will include all the grades received in the program courses.

    If you successfully complete all the program courses, you will be allowed to register in second-year engineering courses with any prerequisites you have now completed.

  • How to Register

    To register for the First-Year Engineering Success Program, or for more information, contact your first-year academic advisor. Please note that space may be limited in the program courses. Students who are missing first-year courses will have priority consideration. If you wish to upgrade your grades, you may enrol on the last day of the registration period, given availability.