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Tao Liu
PhD., PEng.

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Contact information

2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5
Office: ACE 3023

905.721.8668 ext. 2217
905.721.3370 (fax)

Research topics

  • Computational biomechanics
  • Footwear science
  • Wearable technology
  • Assistive devices.


Ph.D. (Biomechanics) - University of Alberta
MSc (Mechanical Engineering) - Northeastern University
BSc (Mechanical Engineering) - Northeastern University


  • Solid mechanics
  • Statics

Research and expertise

Publications and presentations

  • Selected publications and presentations
    For an updated list of publications, visit the Google Scholar Profile.
    • 1. Liu T.*, Matijevich E., Chu Z.W, Yang F., Nigg B., 2024, “The role of hollow structure in running shoe”, Journal of Biomechanics
    • 2. Catalá-Vilaplana I. *, Liu T, Vienneau J., Nigg S., Pérez-Soriano P., Encarnación-Martínez A., 2023, “Are curved non-motorized treadmills more biomechanically comparable to overground running than motorized treadmills?”, Journal of Sport Sciences
    • 3. Liu T.*, El-Rich M., 2023, “Prediction of Subject-specific Trunk Segmental Masses for Musculoskeletal Models using Artificial Neural Networks”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
    • 4. Liu T*., Dimitrov A., Jomha N., Adeeb S., El-Rich M., Westover L., 2023, “Development and Validation of a Novel Ankle Joint Musculoskeletal Model”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
    • 5. Liu T., Aziz Vaqar A., El-Rich, M.*, 2023, “Sensitivity of Subject-Specific Upper Body Musculoskeletal Model Predictions to Mass Scaling Methods”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 165
    • 6. Ahmed H., El-Rich M*., Liu T., Jomha N., Schiffer A. *, 2023, “Design of a Lightweight Universal Talus Implant Using Topology Optimization”, Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 11
    • 7. Liu T*., Jomha N., Adeeb S., El-Rich M., Westover L., 2022, “The evaluation of artificial talus implant on ankle joint contact characteristics: A finite element study based on four subjects”, Med Biol Eng Comput, 4, 60
    • 8. Liu T*., Ead M., Cruz Shaira D.V., Jomha N., Adeeb S., El-Rich M., Kajsa D., Westover M.L., 2021, “Polycarbonate-Urethane coating can significantly improve talus implant contact characteristics” J. Mech Bhav Biomed Mater, 125, 104936.
    • 9. Liu T., Khalaf K., Hebela N., Westover L., Galbusera F., El-Rich M*., 2021, “A Novel Methodology for the Prediction of Trunk Mass Distribution Using Anthropometric Measurements”, J. Biomech, 122, 110437
    • 10. Stadnyk M., Liu T. (co-first author), Fallahi Arezodar F., Westover M.L., A. Carvajal Alba J., Masson E., Beaupre M. L., Jaremko J., El-Rich M.*, 2020 “Comparison of Four Methods of Measuring Three-Dimensional Pelvic Tilt in the Lateral Decubitus Position”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 10, 58.
    • 11. Liu T., Jomha N., Adeeb S., El-Rich M., Westover M.L.*, 2020 “Investigation of the average shape and principal variations of the human talus bone: an automatic groupwise registration”, Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 8, 656.
    • 12. Liu T., El-Rich M.*, 2020 “Effects of the nucleus pulposus migration during forward flexion on spinal loads: A combined Finite Element and Musculoskeletal Study”, J Biomech.104. 109740
    • 13. Liu T., Khalaf K., Adeeb S., El-Rich, M.*, 2019 “Numerical investigation of intra-abdominal pressure effects on spinal loads and load-sharing in forward flexion”, Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 7. 428.
    • 14. Liu T., Khalaf K., Adeeb S., El-Rich M.*, 2019 “Effects of Lumbo-Pelvic Rhythm on Trunk Muscle Forces and Disc Loads during Forward Flexion: A Combined Musculoskeletal and Finite Element Study”, J.Biomech, 82, 116-123.
    • 15. Liu T., Khalaf K., Naserkhaki S., El-Rich M.*, 2018. “Load-sharing in the lumbosacral spine in neutral standing & flexed postures - A combined finite element and inverse static study”. J. Biomech, 70, 43-50.