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Job Search Assistance

The Co-op program works in partnership with the Ontario Tech Career Centre to help all students prepare for employment opportunities. One-on-one appointments and workshops are available to assist with cover letter and resume creation and behavioral interview skill improvement.

Office Hours: Appointments are available to book on the student life portal or see the student life portal event calendar to view drop-in hours.

Or, to further discuss program details and employers you would like to target, you can book a 1 on 1 appointment with Candace Chard or Janette Banga.

Candace Chard
Co-op and Internship Officer
Tel: 905.721.8668 x5702

Janette Banga
Co-op & Internship Officer
Tel: 905.721.8668 x3599

  • How to Land the Job

    The prospect of finding a Job can be daunting, here are some helpful resources that can help.

       Resume and Cover Letter
    • The key to getting a co-op/internship interview is a professional resume and cover letter.
    • Your resume and cover letter should be tailored to each individual job that you are applying for based on the details in the job ad.
    • You can book a one-on-one Resume and Cover Letter appointment through the Student Life Portal.

       Job Fairs and Employer Information Sessions
    • Every October, Ontario Tech Engineering has an extremely unique job fair called the “Reverse Career Fair”. This job fair is only for approved engineering students and is different from a regular job fair in that you are the one with the table and display and employers come talk to you!
    • In February, Ontario Tech also hosts a general Job fair that will include companies looking for engineering students.
    • Employers will often come to campus for directed information sessions.  More information on these can be found under the ‘Events and Workshops’ tab on the Student Life Portal.

       Job Search
    • Job searching and applying for 12-16 month co-op internships typically takes place in October –December for May starts.
    • Job searching for summer co-op positions usually takes place from October – April for May starts.
    • Come talk to us in the Engineering Co-Op and Internship Office (ACE 2010) to discuss what companies you are interested in pursuing – we can help!
    • Apart from the jobs posted on our job portal, you are highly recommended to find your own opportunities through job search portals such as or

       Mock Interview
    • Your resume and cover letter get you to the interview, but it is how you handle the interview that lands you the job!
    • After your applications have been submitted, you are encouraged to book a mock interview with the Career Centre to help you prepare.
    • You can book a one-on-one Mock Interview appointment through the Student Life Portal.

       Job Interview
    • Prepare for the job interview by reviewing the job posting as well as the resume and cover letter that you submitted in your application beforehand.
    • Interviews can take place on the phone, online, or in person.
    • Dress to impress for your interview.
    • Use the skills and tips that you learned from your mock interview to rock your job interview!

       Job Offer
    • If you require any assistance in navigating multiple job offers, or negotiating terms of your job offer, please come see us in the Engineering Co-Op and Internship Office (ACE 2010) for support.
    • Once you accept one job offer, you cannot decline it to pick another one at a later date.  This would be unprofessional and it affects the relationship that the school and you have with that employer.
    • Submit your signed job offer to us so we can enter all of the details on your record in the portal and provide the tax credit letter to your employer.
    • You will register in the appropriate Engineering Co-op Work Term course and pay the fee for every term that you are out working.
  • Our Services

    The fees you pay each term once you accept your job offer help to pay for all the services available to you to land the job (see above) and to support you during your placement. You are encouraged to take advantage of these resources to have the best experience possible.

    How the Engineering Co-op Office can support you:
     Employer Development
    • You are not limited to applying to just the jobs on our portal!
    • If you have a new company that you are interested in, we can help by reaching out to that employer and developing a relationship with them by letting them know what our program and students have to offer them!
    • This can lead to jobs being offered for Ontario Tech Engineering students.

       Support During Your Work Term
    • We can help you negotiate terms of your contract including salary or accommodations required.
    • Our office conducts site visits (in person, virtual, or on the phone/via email when in person is not possible) to ensure that you are enjoying your placement and learning valuable skills.
    • If you ever have any questions or concerns during your placement, do not hesitate to call us or email at

       Administrative Supports
    • The Engineering Co-Op and Internship Portal keeps track of all of your records, applications, interviews, and job offers.
    • Our team also supports employers in the recruitment process by posting jobs, scheduling interviews, booking rooms, making offers, and providing the Tax Credit Letters to employers.
    • The Engineering Co-Op and Internship Office is also responsible for ensuring successful registration in the program and the coordination of getting your reports graded by Faculty members.
    • The portal also stores all of your evaluation documents so that you can access them at any point in the future, even after graduation.


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