IEEE Student Branch

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association for advancing innovation and technological excellence. The establishment of an IEEE Student Chapter at Ontario Tech University is proposed to foster professional development, technical education, and leadership opportunities among students. This chapter will provide a platform for students to enhance their academic and professional skills, engage in networking, and contribute to the global engineering community. IEEE is focused on inspiring our student community to innovate for a better tomorrow by bringing technical knowledge to the students. We connect students and professors by providing opportunities for professors to showcase their research outside the classroom. In addition, the IEEE Student Chapters provide opportunities for students to volunteer for conferences organized in their cities and countries, allowing them to interact with experts and gain insights into the latest technological advancements. We have previously hosted professor research nights, mechatronics research nights, Arduino workshops, and partnered events with WiE. Our student branch welcomes everyone to join the world's largest technical organization as student members
Get Involved:
Students interested can reach out to volunteer, be a part of our executive team or attend our events! If you have any questions, please email us at
To join IEEE as a student please create an account and follow the instructions on the webpage.
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