Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering provides students with a high-quality engineering education through teaching and research excellence. Our innovative and leading-edge programs produce graduates who are prepared to thrive and excel in the evolving 21st-century workplace, and develop solutions to world issues such as; robotics, automation, and intelligent controls, thermo-fluids, and energy systems.
Our research programs are exploring new solutions to global problems and educating future leaders, who will turn great ideas into products designed to make the world a better place. It is generating new knowledge and advancing the frontiers of research helping to transform industry and society today and well into the future, in areas such as; dynamics, vibration and noise, manufacturing and materials, fuel cells and integrated energy systems, and many more.
Welcome Future Students!
Undergraduate Programs
The Research Rundown
Season 4 Episode 01 - Clean Energy in the Hydrogen Age
Welcome to the Season 4 premiere of "The Research Rundown"! Your host, Urooj Fatima Khan, a first-year mechanical engineering student, sits down with none other than Dr. Ibrahim Dincer, a distinguished professor and world-renowned expert in clean energy systems, with a specific focus on hydrogen. As one of the founding members of the faculty, he joins the conversation to celebrate 20 years of engineering excellence at Ontario Tech. Tune in as Urooj and Dr. Dincer explore the intricacies of clean energy and hydrogen, delving into the applications of his research and the critical importance of clean energy solutions. Discover the story behind Dr. Dincer's journey and gain insights into his vision for a sustainable future.
Dr. Ibrahim Dincer, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Listen Now:
Urooj Fatima Khan, 1st year Mechanical Engineering Student
Season 2 Episode 01 - The Future of Sustainable Energy
In this episode with Dr. Marc Rosen, the founding Dean of The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, we will explore the future of sustainable energy. Brendan Varmazis, a Mechanical Engineering student studying the Energy Option and Dr. Rosen discuss Rosen’s current research on the subjects of: sustainable energy systems and processes, polygeneration, and thermal energy storage. Dr. Rossa also gives insight into how sustainable energy can make an impact on climate change and reflects on his time as the founding Dean of the faculty.
Dr. Marc Rosen, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Listen Now:
Brendan Varmazis, 5th-year Mechanical Engineering, Energy Option Student.
Season 1 Episode 01 - Machining Difficult-to-cut Materials
In this episode, Dr. Ali Hosseini discusses his research in machining difficult-to-cut materials. The interview begins with a look at Dr. Hosseini's career path, including his time as a Ph.D. student at Ontario Tech University, and then dives deep into his current research and how it ties into his teaching. We will then take a look at his most recent project, working on the Code Life Ventilator Challenge.
Dr. Sayyed Ali Hosseini, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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