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OVIN Regional Future Workforce

Ontario Tech is proud to be a part of the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network’s Regional Future Workforce program. With OVIN’s support, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education have been busy developing exciting and inclusive programs for high school and post-secondary students to build knowledge and skills for the future of connected and autonomous vehicles.  

Students at all levels of interest, knowledge and skill can participate and have a fun and engaging experience. The activities prioritize inclusivity and accessibility for students across Ontario.

Ontario Tech’s Ontario Future Workforce program leads:

Dr. Mohamed El-Darieby

Dr. Mohamed El-Darieby

Dr. Roland van Oostveen

Dr. Roland van Oostveen

Engineering Outreach

Engineering Outreach


Find the resources, courses and information needed to discover potential careers in Ontario’s automotive and mobility sector.  Check out the Skills and Career Navigator, powered by OVIN here

About OVIN and the Regional Future Workforce Program - Driving the future of automotive and mobility

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) is an Ontario government initiative, led by the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) is driving innovation and collaboration in the automotive and mobility sector to build safer, cleaner, and more efficient transportation. The Regional Future Workforce Program (RFW Program) is an initiative introduced by OVIN to support the development of a highly skilled workforce in automotive and mobility. The RFW Program is allocating over 6 million dollars to 14 projects carried out by Ontario non-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, and school boards to deliver automotive and mobility-focused programs connecting students from kindergarten to post-secondary to the sector. The program aims to create a robust talent pipeline and ensure Ontario remains a leader in the rapidly evolving automotive industry.


Are you in high school or university and interested in learning more about Connected and Autonomous Vehicles? 

Are you a parent or teacher looking for fun and engaging opportunities for students?

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