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Cassidy Linhares

Cassidy Linhares

Software Engineering Student

8-month Co-op with Blackberry

Software Engineering Co-op

What motivated you to apply for Co-op/Internship

I liked the idea of being able to explore the different career paths in the field. There are many sectors to Software Engineering and I wasn't too sure which path I wanted to go in to. Doing a co-op allows me to explore different options while gaining industry experience.

Can you describe your position in a few sentences?

My role entails me to consult with clients, develop software, some software architecture and design, and quality assurance and testing. My team specifically worked on creating an internal automated solution in the form of a web application.

Did you receive training to perform your engineering duties? Please Explain.

Yes, I did receive training. In the first 2-3 weeks, we were given courses to complete that pertained to the project. I was also provided with a couple of meetings where I would learn about the project, best practices, and a Q&A session. I was also allowed to self-learn whatever I think I may need to perform my duties during this training period.

What was your work atmosphere like? (flexibility, formality, team-centric, supportive)

Most software engineering co-ops are time flexible and mine was no different, everyone was open to answering questions and easily available to contact. I spent most of my co-op working from home due to COVID-19 and everyone was still easily accessible and open to questions and support. You really get to be treated like one of the full-timers and if you have an opinion or suggestion, everyone is willing to listen.

What new skills were you able to learn/develop during your Co-op/Internship?

Some new skills that I learned were consulting with clients and containerizing software. I also got to improve my project management skills and software architecture skills.

How did your experience compare with your expectations?

This co-op went above my expectations. I originally thought I would just be doing automation and nothing else but I have had the chance to learn and grow in multiple disciplines and apply what I've learned from classes to the position. There was always support to try and learn something new and there was a challenge in most of the work provided.

What was your proudest moment? 

My proudest moment would be having designed and architectured the flow of data for the front end portion of the project. I felt I really got to apply myself at that time.

What advice would you offer to current students thinking about pursuing a Co-op/Internship?

If you have doubts that you might be in the wrong major, are thinking “when am I ever going to need this”, or are not sure what to specialize in; Do a co-op/internship! The experience you gain from one is valuable. It's industry experience that allows you to grow in personal and technical skills. It also helped me find value in what's learned in classes.