Ghufran Shahid

Mechanical Engineering Student
8-month Co-op with Ontario Power Generation
Engineering Intern
What motivated you to apply for a co-op/internship?
I always wanted to work in the nuclear industry. In order to achieve that goal, I believed it'd be an incredible opportunity to gain experience interning at one of the world's finest nuclear power plants.
Can you describe your position in a few sentences?
I have a leadership-oriented position. I have led a few projects with the goal of fixing an issue the corporation was facing. I have also worked on developing important Power Bi applications that the company uses on a daily basis.
Did you receive training to perform your engineering duties? Please explain.
Yes, I received basic nuclear entry training. However, for powerbi, I had to self-teach myself from the bottom up.
What was your work atmosphere like?
Extremely flexible and team-centric.
What new skills were you able to learn/develop during your co-op/internship?
MS Excel knowledge, how to behave and communicate in meetings, how to email properly, how to multitask, meet deadlines, organize, and problem-solving.
How did your experience compare with your expectations?
My expectations were pretty similar to my experience.
What was your proudest moment?
When I was able to develop a PowerBi solving the entire power plants overhead doors. That PowerBi application gives up-to-date status and condition of the doors and has an interactive map of the entire plant layout that planning management can use.
What advice would you offer to students thinking about pursuing co-op or internship?
I would tell them to not overthink it and take the initiative! You make great references, and relationships and you get a great grasp of what it's like to be in a working environment. Also, once you start making relationships here, you don't want to go back to school.