Eric Huang

Electrical Engineering Student
12 month Internship with Ontario Power Generation
Projects & Engineering Intern
What motivated you to apply for Co-op/Internship
I wanted to use the engineering knowledge and skills gained from both classes and extracurricular activities in a practical setting. An internship is the best way to harness the theoretical practices learned in school and apply them to the real world. In this highly competitive workforce, I wanted to be more marketable in the future when searching for a full time position, so having significant experience under my belt provides the leverage for employers to consider me.
Can you describe your position in a few sentences?
I work under the Inspection and Reactor Innovation department at Ontario Power Generation that provides inspection, maintenance, and innovative services for CANDU nuclear reactors. I am part of the Non-Destructive Examination innovation team that procures the tools required to perform inspections within various parts of the reactor. I assist in project engineering tasks such as preparing project deliverables. This includes preparing schedules, project risk registers, cost estimation sheets, etc. I took the lead on monitoring the risk statuses for one of the projects, ensuring that the risks and their associated mitigating actions are being managed. I provide updates to the project team regarding the risk statuses during our weekly meetings. I also perform walkdowns in the station and reactor vaults to verify design parameters and requirements for the project. Some notable projects I have been working on are UAV inspections, Obsolescence and Reliability projects, and Ultrasonic Testing.
Did you receive training to perform your engineering duties? Please Explain.
Yes, I received a lot of training at OPG, especially regarding safety, which is paramount in the nuclear industry. Training was done both in the classroom and via a computer, followed by quizzes and tests. The training helped me a lot in terms of learning about the nuclear industry and various aspects that lie within it.
What was your work atmosphere like? (flexibility, formality, team-centric, supportive)
The work atmosphere is very positive at OPG. Everyone is happy to help you in any way possible to ensure your experience as an intern is valuable and fulfilling. I am never afraid to ask any questions as all my co-workers and managers are very supportive. My team continuously encourages me to get involved anywhere possible, and there is a lot of room for growth to develop professionally. The innovation department holds many team events which adds more to the positivity and team-centric vibe.
What new skills were you able to learn/develop during your Co-op/Internship?
I was able to extend my engineering skills by learning new concepts and theories within the ultrasonic testing project. I also extended my programming skills through the use of MATLAB. I was also able to learn a little bit about project management and scheduling.
How did your experience compare with your expectations?
My experience exceeded my expectations tremendously. I did not expect that I would be working alongside senior engineers to develop new technology used for inspection. Interns are treated equally to full-time workers, and we are entrusted with tasks that are directly related to the projects. The experience has also taught me how complex power generation is and it is something we usually take for granted.
What was your proudest moment?
My proudest moment thus far is our project team being awarded the "King Pin" award in the office, which is given out monthly within our department to recognize excellence. We were awarded for our successful proof of concept testing of the new UAV (drone) inspection technology.
What advice would you offer to current students thinking about pursuing Co-op/Internship?
Make sure you start applying as early as fall semester if you are thinking about getting an internship the following year! Stay informed about all the companies you are interested in working for. Keep applying and do not get discouraged in the process, there are many services available for you from the school's co-op and internship office, and career centre, so use them to your advantage! There are many cases in which companies hire students at the very last minute so never lose hope, you got this!