2023 ECSE Capstone Projects
Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (ECSE)
Suspicious Activity Detection
Team Members: Kavan Chandra, Cole Kahkonen, Krystian Rusin, Nate Grobe
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anwar Abdalbari
- Design and Development of Smart Electric Power Distribution System
- Twittermind - Detecting Person's Depression State Based on Social Media Posts
- Driver State Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- iCare-ADHD
- Smart Home Blinds
- Face Mask Removal
Design of Smart Traffic Signals for Autonomous Transportation and Connected Communities in Smart Cities
Team Members: Saro Karimi, Tirth Patel, Vatsal Patel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hossam Gaber
Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging Station
Team Members: Jake McLellan, Karim Elzanaty, Peter McNeil, Samuel Abraham
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Mohammed Youssef
- Bidirectional Car Charging Station for Electric Vehicles
- Candidate Selection by CV Analysis
Remote and Mobile Healthcare System for Home Care