Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Welcome to the beating heart of innovation, where brilliance meets breakthroughs. Celebrating two decades of excellence, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Ontario Tech University doesn't just keep pace with technology—we define its frontiers. Here, education is not a destination; it's a journey into the future. Our commitment to excellence is etched in every lecture, every project, and every discovery. Join us on the cutting edge, where high-quality education isn't just a standard—it's our legacy. At Ontario Tech, we cultivate minds that push boundaries, because the future belongs to those who engineer it. Unleash your potential and forge the extraordinary with us.
Ignite Magazine
Get Involved
EngForce is the elite volunteering group in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.
What do you get out of it?
- Make new friends,
- Network with professors, staff, and professionals,
- Refine your communication and teamwork skills,
- Apply volunteer time to your Student Experience Record,
- A very cool very awesome bucket hat,
- and so much more (like lots of free lunches)!

A New Podcast from The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
The Research Rundown
An engineering podcast that offers listeners a fun and accessible way to learn about and reflect on the practical applications of the latest research from The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Ontario Tech University. Listeners will hear directly from Engineering Faculty in a conversational space as they discuss their findings and the implications of their work with current Ontario Tech Engineering students.
Latest news
All news
February 20, 2025
Ontario Tech University and Humber Polytechnic unite to power the future of the nuclear energy workforce

February 4, 2025
‘HERO Glove’ research at Ontario Tech has a hand in improving patients’ lives

December 19, 2024
Reflections of 2024: Celebrating success, innovation and community at Ontario Tech University

December 9, 2024
Ontario Tech hosts 17th annual Engineering Robotics Competition