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Meet our Team

Qusay H. Mahmoud

Mahmoud headshot

Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Dean of Experiential Learning and Engineering Outreach

About Me - Qusay H. Mahmoud

Hi, my name is Qusay Mahmoud (aka Dr.Q). I am a professor of software engineering, and privileged to serve as the Associate Dean for Experiential Learning & Engineering Outreach. My teaching fosters critical & creative thinking, and my research empowers software for humanity. I am passionate about my support for providing high quality education for students, and a positive professional working environment hospitable to academic excellence. In addition to research publications, you can find my AI-infused writing at: 


Ellen Istvan (James)

Ellen headshot

Engineering Outreach Manager

About Me - Ellen Istvan (James)

Hello, My name is Ellen Istvan. I am the Women in Engineering and Engineering Outreach Program Supervisor. I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Western University, where I was involved in many clubs including Women in Engineering, and completed an internship at Union Gas. After graduation, I joined Ferrero, the leading global chocolate and confectionery manufacturer (Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, Tic Tac, and Kinder Chocolate) as a project supervisor, and moved to Alba, Italy. Now back in Canada, I am using my experiences to help inspire and lead the next generation of youth to understand the importance of STEM pathways. I hope through our work, we are able to transform the way youth interact with STEM concepts by simplifying complex thoughts into actionable ideas that society can use. My door is always open!


Program Coordinators

Sarah Wedge

Headshot of Sarah Wedge

Women in Engineering & Engineering Outreach Coordinator

About Me - Sarah Wedge

Hello! My name is Sarah Wedge and I am the Engineering Outreach Coordinator for our Girls Programs. I graduated from Ontario Tech University with a BEng. in Software Engineering. During my studies, I delved into software development and machine learning by collaborating with a team of fellow students to develop an ASL recognition software. I was also a part of the Women for STEM scholarship program where I received the Westinghouse Electric Canada Women for STEM scholarship. Being part of the Women for STEM program and the Women in Engineering society connected me with many inspiring women in STEM fields. They helped grow my confidence and curiosity, demonstrating how crucial mentorship is to the success of young women pursuing STEM careers. This experience inspired me to explore the impact of providing mentorship and accessible STEM education to girls of all ages. My goal is to create a fun and exciting learning environment which will empower girls and foster their love for STEM.


Alex Piliounis

Alex Headshot

Engineering Outreach Coordinator - Mobile Design Lab/Teacher Programs

About Me - Alex Piliounis

Hi! My name is Alex Piliounis and I am one of the Engineering Outreach Coordinators. I graduated from Queen’s University with a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Physics. After working in research and being a teaching assistant at Queen’s which fostered my passion for teaching, I switched to pursuing a B.Ed. at Ontario Tech University. While studying, I worked to develop engaging STEM activities using microcontrollers, sensors, and coding for numerous classrooms. Now working in Engineering Outreach, I am excited to have the opportunity to support teachers and youth with design thinking in the classroom. One of my many goals is to bring inquiry-based and accessible STEM experiences to a broad range of youth - igniting students' passion for STEM.


Hunter Johnson 

Hunter Headshot

Engineering Outreach Coordinator - Indigenous Youth Programs

About Me - Hunter Johnson 
Hello! My name is Hunter Johnson, I am Red River Métis originally from Northwestern Ontario, and I am the Indigenous Program Coordinator for our Indigenous Youth programs here at Engineering Outreach. I attended Ontario Tech University for my Bachelors of Health Science, and I am currently completing my Masters of Science in Medical Science at the University of Toronto. Before taking the role as the Indigenous Program Coordinator, I was an instructor. That was when I realized how much passion I have for STEM education, especially for Indigenous youth. I enjoy working with community members to bring STEM learning opportunities to Indigenous youth, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for our inSTEM team!


Zahraa Bassyouni


Engineering Outreach Coordinator - High School Programs

About Me - Zahraa Bassyouni

Hello! My name is Zahraa Bassyouni and I am one of the Engineering Outreach Coordinators. I'm originally from Lebanon, where I completed my bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering at Rafik Hariri University and then worked as a research assistant at the Vision and Robotics Lab at the American University of Beirut (AUB). During my time at AUB, I focused on advancing human-robot interactions using augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence. My next venture led me to Canada, where I completed my MASc. in Mechanical Engineering at Ontario Tech University with a research focus on micro-machining. While studying, I worked as a coding and robotics instructor where I taught students engineering concepts using hands-on-learning activities with lego kits. I'm thrilled to be part of the Engineering Outreach team, and I can't wait to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with others!


Kimberly Davis


Engineering Outreach Coordinator - Black Youth Programs

About Me - Kimberly Davis

Hello! My name is Kimberly Davis, and I am the Engineering Outreach Coordinator for our Black Youth program. I graduated from York University with both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Digital Media. Through the Digital Media program I’ve studied computational arts, computer science, and electrical engineering. My research involved topics such as interactive installations, data visualization, and human-computer interaction. During my time at York, I worked as a student ambassador and mentor, a teaching assistant, and collaborated with artists to incorporate various technical components into their artworks. I've always loved using technology to find new and unique way to engage and educate others, and I’m excited to now have this opportunity to help youth discover their own passion in STEM!


Allison Prinzen

Allison Prinzen

Engineering Outreach Coordinator - Elementary Programs

About Me - Allison Prinzen

Hey there! I’m Allison Prinzen, your friendly Engineering Outreach Coordinator for Elementary Programs! My journey began at the University of Ottawa, where I earned my Honours Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences with an Entrepreneurial Option. During this time, I delved into the world of research as a Research Assistant with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), exploring innovative technologies within the Emergency Department. Now, I am diving deeper into the realm of education, pursuing my Masters of Science in Education at Niagara University, where I am working towards my first publication. When I’m not immersed in Engineering Outreach, you can find me in the vibrant setting of the Durham District School Board as a Supply Teacher, where I infuse STEM concepts into daily lessons. My passion lies in creating inclusive and dynamic spaces where young minds can flourish, exploring STEM in imaginative ways. Let’s inspire the next generation together!


Undergraduate Student Instructors



Black Youth Program Instructor

About Me - Michael
Hey! I'm Michael, I'm a Grade 11 High School student. I work at Ontario Tech University's Engineering Outreach for the Black Youth Program. Some of my hobbies are playing soccer, skateboarding and video games. In the future, I want to be a mechanical engineer in the automotive/motorsports industry.



MDL Program Instructor

About Me - Chioma

Hello, I’m Chioma! I’m a computer science student finishing up my program at Ontario Tech. Outside of coding and school, I love cooking dishes that remind me of home, and spending time with my friends.



Girls Programs Instructor

About Me - Sandy
Hi! I'm Sandy, and I am entering my final year of Human Health Sciences at Ontario Tech. I am working with the All Girls program this summer! Some of my favourite hobbies are painting, sewing, and blasting Taylor Swift songs so I can sing along. If you have to know one thing about me, it's that I'm obsessed with iced coffee and can't start my day without one!



Black Youth Program Instructor

About Me - Paula
Hi! I'm Paula! I just finished my final year of the Biology program! I am so excited to be working with Black Youth this summer. In my free time I love dancing and singing (especially musicals). Fun fact is that I really like watching cartoons so sometimes my dreams are animated.



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Maryem

Hi, my name is Maryem, and I am a second year nuclear engineering student. This summer, I am very excited to be working with the elementary team. In my free time, I love to go on walks and spend time outside. I've also played many sports growing up, like competitive soccer and volleyball, so I still love to play when I get the chance!



Girls Programs Instructor

About Me - Raeesa
Hey, I'm Raeesa, and I'll be one of your high school program instructors! I like to spend my time learning something new, exploring new tech/coding, sleeping, reading, or watching cool things! As a STEM enthusiast, I hope to become a leader that inspires others while doing something I enjoy!



MDL Programs Instructor

About Me - Taz
Hey! I'm Taz, I am a 4th year Software Engineering student. I really like working on and building PCs. I am a total night owl but I LOVE to sleep.



Girls Programs Instructor

About Me - Rushda
Hey! I'm Rushda and I've just finished my second year of software engineering. This year, I'm working with the All-Girls Team and STEM clubs for youth. My guilty pleasures include chocolate, plot twists and thunderstorms --> in fact, one of my favourite things to do (once exams are over 😒) is curl up under my blanket on a dark, stormy night with some chocolate eggs and read a fantasy novel or listen to a true-crime podcast 😌



Indigenous Youth Program Instructor

About Me - Hannah

Hi! I’m Hannah, and I’m a 1st year nursing student. I'm working with the InSTEM program this year. In my free time, I love to play sports my favourite is softball and enjoy being outside in the sun or by a lake!



MDL/High School Programs Instructor

About Me - Ronald
Hey! I'm Ronald, I'm a mechatronics engineering graduate. I will be working as a program instructor at engineering outreach. I will be working with the Mobile Design Lab, and Academy Team. I love 3D Printing, and building robots I'm looking forward to teaching students about STEM!



Girls Programs Instructor

About Me - Liora
Hello! I'm Liora, and I just finished my first year of Mechanical Engineering! I'm an Engineering Outreach Program Instructor for Summer 2024. In my spare time, I love to do makeup and read books, especially from classic authors like Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë. One thing about me that you should know is that I love to play tennis in my spare time!



MDL/High School Programs Instructor

About Me - Nathaniel
Hi I'm Nathaniel! I'm a 3rd year computer science student within the concurrent education program. I'm not too sure where I'll be working this year; but, I have experience with the MDL and Academy programs. As for a fun fact, I've coded my own radio station and live stream!



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Liam
I'm Liam, I'm currently a 2nd year software engineering student. I enjoy coding and creating projects such as video games. I enjoy building with Lego, and listening to music. Coffee is good too.



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Avam
Hi! I’m Avam, and I’m going into my 3rd year of software engineering. I am apart of the summer instructor team and love meeting new people! Some facts about me, are that I play almost every sport, I’m a black belt in karate and I love listening to music.



Elementary/MDL Programs Instructor

About Me - Steven
Hello! My name is Steven and I am a 4th year software engineering student. I previously worked with the Community and Mobile Design Lab teams. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, gaming, and watching Kdramas. My main goal while working with Outreach this year is to make some cool projects to improve my skills and show the students!



High School Programs Instructor

About Me - Haider
Hi, I 'm Haider. I'm a 3rd year mechanical engineering student heading into my 4th year at Ontario Tech University. One thing to know about me is that I am a complete sports enthusiast meaning if we can talk about soccer = we can be best friends. About free time, its funny because in engineering at this point I have none, but when I do find the time I like to spend it with people that I can enjoy myself and laugh with. Other than that, I love watching vintage UFC fights or drive around my sisters Toyota...for no reason whatsoever.



High School Programs Instructor

About Me - Maaz
Hello, my name is Maaz. I have just completed my first year at Queen's University, majoring in computer science. I enjoy working with different coding languages like Java and Python and I have a lot of experience with 3D design through creating models of superhero gadgets, like batman's batarang. Beyond that, some of my other hobbies include bodybuilding, basketball, and playing the piano.



Black Youth Programs Instructor

About Me - Erwin
Hi!, I'm Erwin, and I'm a first year industrial engineering student. I'm working for the National Internship Forum of Burkina this year. I love to do sport, specially football, and create content in my free time. One thing that you should know about me is the I'm meticulous so don't be surprised if I find something isn't perfect !



High School Programs Instructor

About Me - Nathanael

 Hi, I'm Nathanael, and I'm a 4th year software engineering student at Ontario Tech University. I spend a lot of my time coding and making programs, and in my spare time I like to fire up Blender and do some 3D art to unwind my brain. I have quite the tendency to sleep a lot during the day. so if you see me napping, please wake me up.



Indigenous Youth Programs Instructor

About Me - Jadyn
Hi! I’m Jadyn, I am in Grade 12. In my free time I like to go out with my friends, spend time with my family, and sleep. One interesting thing about me is I have had many pets, and



Indigenous Youth Programs Instructor

About Me - Hailey
Hello! My name's Hailey and I am a first year software engineering student at Ontario Tech University. I am a Women for Stem scholar and I am passionate about learning. and empowering others. Some of my favorite pass-times are reading and crocheting, but I also love to go on hikes. One thing about me is that I love nature and will advocate for wildlife in any situation.




About Me - Wasay
Hey there! I'm Wasay, on track to graduate in Computer Science from Ontario Tech University in 2026. By day, I'm diving into code and leading projects at Academic Oasis. In my free time, I love playing games and playing Basketball as well as going to the Gym on a daily basis. I love working out, coding and talking to new people



Indigenous Youth Programs Instructor

About Me - Deven
Hello, my name's Deven. I am a 2nd year Mathematical Science student. In my free time I enjoy playing sports, working out, and doing personal projects. One ofun fact about me is that I have 2 dogs!



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Eunice
Hello! I'm Eunice, a first-year energy engineering student at Ontario Tech. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games with my friends, singing, and watching movies. Fun fact about me: I'm a huge theatre kid and will happily belt out the entirety of "Hamilton" if you let me, so be wary!



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Jaiden
Hi, I am Jaiden a passionate and hardworking student athlete looking to excel and learn in this outreach program . I like to play video games with my siblings go outside on jogs and of course play my favourite sport basketball. I am a cool person to be around and will bring positive energy.



Elementary Programs Instructor

About Me - Issaq
Hey. I'm Issaq and currently studying software engineering. When I have free time, I enjoy playing sports like soccer and volleyball with my friends; however, I may take soccer too seriously at times. I am also big on self improvement such as using an agenda, journaling, and developing good habits.

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